

How do you keep snakes away?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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Get rid of cover and hiding areas to keep snakes awayRemoving or reducing the areas that snakes are found forces a snakes to seek a different place to hunt and rest. Some of those areas include -

  • Tall grass
  • Boards, logs, sheet metal, etc that they can crawl under
  • Brush and shrubs
  • Wood and rock piles

You also want to take care to eliminate their access to other areas they might find appealing such as under your deck or under your home's foundation. A snake basically has three very simple functions. It hunts, it kills and eats, and it rests. It repeats that cycle throughout the entire course of its life. By taking away the things mentioned above you severely impact the snake's ability to rest which is the most important of all the things it does.Get rid of the source of food a snake depends onThe reason snakes are attracted to your house and the surrounding areas is because there is an abundant food source. If you want to get rid of the snakes the single most effective way is to do so is to get rid of there food source. The less they have to eat the less they will come around your home. Rats, mice, frogs, lizards, and other such critters are a main staple of a snake's diet. Controlling their presence will by proxy help to keep snakes away from your home.Some methods that don't work to keep snakes awayThere are a lot of wives tales out there about ways to keep snakes away. Unfortunately they don't usually work and for the most part you waste your time and money. The exception is that something doing some of these things will reduce the food a snake has and it will cause their numbers to dwindle. Some of the more popular methods that don't work are -

  • Roping off the affected area with hemp rope
  • Spreading mothballs around the affected area
  • Flooding snake dens
  • Spreading gas or diesel around
  • Commercial products such as "Snake-Away"
  • Sulfur powder

The primary problem with these methods of snake control is that they require constant refreshing. The odors (which may or may not keep snakes away) become less and less potent as time goes on. A flooded den quickly dries out and becomes a haven for snakes once again. Not to mention you'll have to live with a yard or house that stinks of sulfur, gas, and mothballs. Personally I'd rather deal with a snake here and there than to have to inhale those toxins 24/7 in order to keep away a few snakesOne final method to get rid of your snake problemA final method of getting rid of snakes around your home is to have someone come and collect them. You'd be surprised how effectively a skilled, and knowledgeable person can be when it comes to collecting snakes and relocating them to another area far removed from your home and yard. Many times you can find a person at a local herpetological club that is willing to remove them at no fee to you.Another method is to take lemon juice (not lemonade) and mix it with a dash of salt, then sprinkle it in problem locations.

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12y ago
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14y ago

you cant. if you are a snake magnet like me you just cant keep the snakes away.

What I do is keep any vegetables or flowers in tiny fenced areas with quarter sized holes keep my trash organized, I make sure nothings leaking and I like to have alot of shade on my porch and backyard for when I'm gardening because snakes are attracted to heat because they are cold blooded amphibians. I suggest flat rocks for stepping stones or even decorative ones as well.

Check every once in a while in your yard for holes and even dried skin. The most important thing to do is lay saud or lime but be weary of lime because of pets children and even risk of hurting the snake.

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