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If you are skittish about using chemicals, you are either gonna have to dig it up (depends on the amount you are talking about) or turn it under DEEP. Johnsongrass spreads thru rhizomes, so the best way to spread it is to till it (which cuts the rhizomes and spreads them around).

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10y ago

Herbicides used to control weeds in a production sunflower field (such as a dove field) include the following:

  • Dual Magnum controls seedling johnsongrass
  • Prowl 3.3EC or Pendimax 3.3EC controls seedling johnsongrass
  • Sonalan HFP
  • Treflan HFP, Trilin, Trifluralin 4EC
The above herbicides are used in in preplant and preemergence control.

When you have sunflowers standing in Johnsongrass, Select herbicide has been effective. HOWEVER, you have to know your variety of sunflower, because some are intolerant to any herbicide.

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Q: What will kill Johnson grass and not kill other grass?
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An herbicide that is specially designed to kill grass will kill the grass growing around your perennials. Be sure to read the label carefully to ensure that it is for grass and will not harm your other plants.

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Selective weedkillers will only kill the targeted weeds. Total weedkillers will kill all green plants. Therefore if the weedkiller does not kill grass but other weeds in the grass, it is a selective weedkiller.

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There is certain types of grass that kill plants, but normal yard grass will not, it also depends on the plants. But usually its the weeds that kill the plants, not the grass.

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A blade of grass cannot kill you, even in a tornado, but the tornado can kill you.

Will you kill the grass when you drain the pool?

yes because the chemcials will kill the grass or at least discolor it.

Does cat feces and urine kill your grass?

Yes, the acid from the cat urine will kill grass.

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Can horses eat cane grass?

Cane grass is a type of Johnson grass. Ingestion of this grass can cause Photosensensitivity, Neuropathy, Teatogenesis, Nitrate intoxication, And Cyanide poisoning. It is recommended that you eradicate any type of Johnson Grass from any pasture that a horse will be grazing on.

Does rice kill grass?

No, rice will not actually kill live grass. However, rice will deter insects and small rodents from eating your grass.