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Clove Oil [Source: ] I actually plan on trying this soon myself.

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Q: How do you kill an exposed tooth nerve?
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Does brake fluid kill exposed nerve in tooth?

No, but it can kill a person that swallows it

Does brake fluid kill exposed tooth nerves?

does brake fluid kill exposed tooth nerves?

Can brake fluid kill exposed nerve?


Can I put brake fluid on qtip and kill nerve in my tooth?

No it will kill u use salt water rinse or even a shot of alcohol works at times

Can you die from a nerve from a broken tooth being exposed?

Broken teeth are subject to decay. Tooth decay is associated with other health problems such as heart disease and perhaps even cancer. An exposed nerve would be very uncomfortable. See a health clinic about getting your condition remedied.

What to do with an exposed nerve under a crown?

I had a cracked tooth vertically and doctordrilled around part of the tooth and put on a temporary crown. It started hurting after I eat somewhat and the crown came off today and it hurts alot with cold. I put the crown back on withcement and am wondering if putting crown back on will make the nerve die. he said on the phone I probably had an exposed nerve. What is the next step?Do they just put the cap back on or is there another step before the cap if there is exposed nerve?

Dog chipped tooth should you do a root canal or extract it?

If the nerve is exposed, root canal therapy would probably save the tooth. You should see a veterinarian for a professional opinion.

Are chipped teeth permanently damaged?

I depends on how bad the tooth is chipped...if the nerve is exposed it could possibly led to infection and you will need to have surgery.

What does having a sensitive tooth mean?

Most of the time they get sensitive because part of the tooth root is showing. Exposed root surface means that hot and cold feelings can reach the nerve of the tooth easier causing sensitivity from the nerve of the tooth. Brushing to hard, in the wrong direction or with whiting toothpaste can cause this sensitivity. This is not to be confused with pain when drinking or eating hot or cold things. Pain could indicate an infection in the nerve of a tooth. And needs to be treated with anti-biotics and root canal treatment or extraction.

How can you be exposed to nerve agents?

Both military nerve gases and organophosphate insecticides are nerve agents. It is highly unlikely you will be exposed to military nerve gases, unless you were near the front lines during a war in which they were used or you were trying to help treat wounded soldiers that had been exposed to them. Every time you use an organophosphate insecticide to kill pests you expose yourself too.

Do cows have nerves in their teeth?

You might think that a tooth's nerve tissue is vitally important to a tooth's health and function, but in reality it's not. A tooth's nerve tissue plays an important role in the growth and development of the tooth, but once the tooth has erupted through the gums and has finished maturing the nerve's only function is sensory, it provides the tooth with the ability to feel hot and cold.In regards to the normal day to day functioning of our mouths, the sensory information provided by a single tooth is really quite minimal. Dentists realize that on a practical level it is pretty much academic whether a tooth has a live nerve in it or not. If a tooth's nerve tissue is present and healthy, wonderful. But if a tooth has had its nerve tissue removed during root canal treatment that's fine too, you will never miss it.

What is the name of the part of the tooth hidden inside the tooth?

The 'pulp' is the nerve of the tooth.