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Here's How: 1. Does your spouse scare you and make you feel fearful? 2. Has your spouse threatened to kill you? 3. Do you think you can never do anything right or please your spouse? 4. Have you ever been hit, choked, had your hair pulled or been slapped by your spouse? 5. Does your spouse yell at you or tell you that you are worthless or no good? 6. Do you believe you have to tip-toe around your spouse to prevent an outburst of anger? 7. Does your spouse try to limit the amount of time you spend with friends and family or on the phone or internet? 8. Does your spouse make you do things you don't want to do? 9. Have family or friends expressed their concern about your relationship? 10. Are your children afraid of your spouse? 11. Do you believe you deserve the treatment you receive? 12. Do you realize you are abused but don't know where to get help? Tips: 1. If you answered yes to several of these questions, please contact your local domestic abuse shelter. They can help you determine your options and will assist you in finding a safe place to stay while you sort things out. 2. Make an emergency kit that you can easily grab. It should have money, checkbook, credit cards, health records, school information, birth & marriage certificates, driver's license, social security numbers, house & car keys. 3. Do not tolerate abusive behavior from your spouse. It won't go away by denying it. The situation will only grow worse. Call 911 if you are in immediate danger. 4. Another source of help is the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233. The basic definition of abuse whether it involves a child or adult is: ANY physical, emotional, sexual or neglectful mistreatment that leads to physical injury, endangerment or emotional harm. Also, if you need some more advise, then visit

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There are multiple types of abuse. Sexual abuse, which is the category this question was originally categorized in by the person that asked the question, physical abuse, and emotional abuse are some of the most extreme abuses.

Sexual AbuseSexual abuse occurs when you are forced to have sex against your will. Sexual abuse can include acts such as oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, BDSM, penetration with objects, and other more extreme sexual acts. If any of this is forced on you against your will or without your consent, then it is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse can include other forms of abuse as part of the sexual abuse. Physical AbusePhysical abuse is when you are physically being hit, thrown across the room, beaten, burned, or in some other way physically hurt. Physical abuse goes beyond normal, acceptable discipline. Emotional AbuseEmotional abuse occurs when someone degrades you or humiliates you with their words and constantly tearing you down.

The best way to know if you are being abused or if you are the abuser is if these things mentioned above are being done to you, then you are being abused. However, if you are doing these actions against someone else on YOUR own free will, then you are the abuser. It is also possible that you were abused and have since gone on to become the abuser. This happens occasionally where someone who was abused goes on to abuse others. It is important to note that there are cases where you are being forced by your abuser to abuse someone else. If that is the case, you are still a victim, you are not abusing that person of your own free will, you are being forced to harm them and you should not feel guilty over it. You are not to blame. You are being abused. They key is that an abuser abuses someone of their own free will. If you wouldn't have done what you were forced to do of your own free will, then you are not an abuser.

Answer:There are types of abuse other than the physical violence described above. There are also sexual abuse and emotional abuse, just to name two of the worst ones.

Up front, if you are being abused in any way, find some help: a school guidance counselor, a teacher, a trusted adult, or if necessary, the police. If you are abusing someone, stop right away. Don't shame yourself or feel wrong or bad; you've grown up in an environment that has made it difficult or impossible for you to make sound choices. Just stop doing it, and get some help from a therapist. A therapist can help you to heal your own scars, which will enable you to apologize to your victim(s), which will help their healing.

It's possible that you could be both abused and an abuser simultaneously. If you are underage and growing up in an abusive environment, and you harm someone else, then both are true. However, if you're underage and being abused then you can hardly be expected to know how to make good choices concerning other people. If you have abused someone else then you should try not to feel guilty about it, but instead talk to a guidance counselor or therapist.

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