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According to, bloody, black or tarry stool or bloody vomit. Stool may look like coffee grounds. Also, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, paleness. For more information, visit:

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15y ago

Esophageal bleeds come from irritation of the esophagus, which is typically minor and controllable, Light, red blood streaks will be accompanied with a cough. These are most oftent he result of trauma or a rough intubation. Alternately esophageal varicescan cause severe, life threatening bleeding. When hepatic damage has formed has become severe, the large blood vessels from your liver pump blood at higher and higher pressures, through the more and more rigid liver. Over time, aneurisms form in the walls of these vessels and, in time, they'll break open. The symptoms are very pronounced and dramatic (you won't miss em). Among the top are: * Dark blood easily apparent in stools (beet colored often * Vomiting of blood (red if it's near the throar, darker to black the further down it goes, all the way to "coffee grounds". * All the symptoms of accute hypovolemis start here: * ** Diaphoresis ** Confusion ** ANxiety ** DIzziness and lack of consciosness. ** dehydration, sometimes advanced. ** Acidosis ** Nausea and vomiting ** DIarrhea Because this the etiology leads to the liver, look also for ascites and/or jaundice, especially of hte sclera (the person takes on a yellowish caste). In the field or home, there is no first aid except to combat shock and hypothermia. This is a hot transfer to a trauma center set up to do endo-surgery. This injury can take a day to manifest, or it can go from zero to sixty in no seconds. Treatment is typically cauterization of the ruptured vessels -- a procedure far beyond home, field or ambulance. These are all very acute symptoms. The least is seeing blood in the vomit, and then having to overcome denial and deal with it. If you aren't having symptoms of this order, you may want to call the doc and ask, but your're probably fine. If you ARE seeing these symptoms, a 911 call is the only option -- can't fix this at home.

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