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The gestation period for a domestic cat is usually around 62-67 days, although the average is 65 days.

You should begin to prepare for birth of the kittens before the queen gives birth. A box should be provided so that the mother becomes accustomed to sleeping in it and will deliver the kittens there. Most cats prefer a covered delivery box. Food and water can be kept nearby. Place the box in a secluded yet familiar area of the home, away from family traffic, to allow mother and kittens solitude and rest. Newspapers and old towels make excellent bedding because they can be changed easily, are absorbent and are easy to be laundered frequently.

If you want to know more precisely when delivery is near, check the rectal temperature twice daily, starting on the 60th day. Rectal temperature drops below 37C (100F) within 24 hours before the onset of labour. Normal rectal temperature ranges from 37C (100.5F) to 38C (102F).

During the first stage of labor, the mother cat (queen) will seem uneasy and restless. She may refuse food or water. The cat's rectal temperature drops, and she seeks dark, secluded places. Considerable howling may occur. This stage lasts 12-24 hours. In the second stage, contractions and expulsion of the kittens begin. Delivery starts with a small sac protruding from the vaginal opening. This is followed by a kitten and the attached placenta. The normal presentation of the kitten is nose first, lying on its abdomen. Some kittens, however, are born hindquarters first. After the delivery, the mother normally opens the sac by licking and biting, cleans off the kitten and severs the umbilical cord. You may have to perform these functions for the mother if she refuses to do it herself. Make sure the sac is removed from the kitten immediately if the mother doesn't do so.

The third stage of labour is a resting stage, which follows delivery of each kitten. This stage may last from a few minutes to one hour. Occasionally, 2 kittens are delivered within a few minutes, followed by resting.

Notify the Vet if Any of the Following Occur: You cannot remove a kitten lodged in the birth canal. Labor is strong and persistent for 30 minutes without a birth. Labor is weak and intermittent for 5 hours without any results. There is a dark vaginal discharge, and no labor or births have occurred within 3-4 hours. The pregnancy lasts more than 67 days.

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12y ago
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14y ago

she will start having contractions, and trust me, you'll know it. she will also be pacing and rolling on her back and laying down. while this is happening, comfort her and pet her and sweet talk her. once she has the first kitten, she will be pretty calm!! GOOD LUCK!! :D

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15y ago

She will start acting alot more lovey and your cat will go into a corner and nest. It is best to have a box in a closet so your cat can be alone. The box needs to be high enough so the kittens can't escape and low enough so the mom can get in and out. Usually when a cat goes into labor she'll go into the box and when the kittens are ready to come out the sac the kittens are in will come out. The mom will start pushing and kittens will come out. Labor may take a hours so keep an eye out. Sometimes, if there are alot of kittens to be birthed, the mom will get tired and she won't push the kittens out and they die inside her. That is another thing you need to watch. If the mom stops pushing you need to take your cat to the vet so a vet can pull the rest of the kittens out. Or if the mom stops pushing while a kitten is halfway out you need to pull it the rest of the way out. The mother should eat all the nasty stuff all over the kittens. it may take a while for her to do that but she needs to eat it for the nurishment of her milk, so don't try to clean it up.

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12y ago

1st Answer:

The only way you can tell for sure is to take your Cat into your Veterinarian and he or she will probably palpate her stomach to see if any kittens left, it is fairly easy for a Vet to feel if any kittens are left or not, or he/she might x-ray her.

2nd Answer:

You can tell when the cat will stop laboring and panting shortly after delievery according to 4-h level three cat book

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9y ago

Cats have an average gestation of 63 days. When a cat is ready to have its kittens, it may start to nest, pace, pant, and appear generally uncomfortable.

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15y ago

put your finger up in the canal if you feel something NO but make sure shell go in to heat agin

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15y ago

When the mother cat stops rolling around, and starts licking all of the kittens.

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11y ago

There are many ways to tell if your cat is done having kids:

1-When your cat stops moaning

2-When kids stop coming out of her stomach

that is all i know.

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