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It's time to leave when you realize that the person cannot get better with your help and love. It's time to leave when you realize that the relationship has developed into an "enabling" situation...meaning that you give your all and more to help the person you love and nothing has changed. It's time to leave when they don't show love and concern for you....meaning that they have no care for your state of mind or what they are putting you or their loved ones through. It's time to leave if they say inconsiderate, mean things and don't hear themselves hurting's time to leave if they scream and yell at you...act as if you aren't important...look at other people with sexual interest and state it, put their hands on you in anger. But mostly it is time to leave if you know deep down in your heart that you have done everything you can to show that person how much you love them, and that love is not returning to you. If you do not feel love emanating from is time to leave. The only way you can know for sure is if this person has been professionally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and it's not "arm chair psychology." If they are going for help and you love them enough to help them through then there are good websites to go too to research exactly what this disease of the brain can do to the person and how to cope with your partner during this time. There are some good medications out there to help your partner. If your partner refuses help, try talking to them and listen rather than talk. If they refuse to talk or seek help then you have no option but to move on. It is difficult to live with a BPO person if they refuse professional help or your help. On the other hand, if you're living together or married and you love them try hanging on a bit longer and make use of that time for yourself. If you study BPO and see light at the end of the tunnel give it your best shot. There is no shame in admitting "enough is enough" but instead of limping off into the sunset tell your partner why you have to leave. Hopefully this will make them get some professional help. Good luck Marcy

If someone is so hard to live with you suspect Borderline then the relationship is already pretty stormy! BPD is very difficult for anyone to live with, it is fraught with extreme and intense feelings that the borderline struggles to handle. There is often a great rage inside us that is aimed at the person we love most. If you don't have the patience required for someone who acts like a borderline, whether they have it not you are probably lost.

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You know that you are in a abuse relationship because of these things

  • He or she gets angry fast and jealous
  • He or she hits and then says sorry but still does it.

You have to get out when you see that your life is in danger or when he got to the point to hurt you or a love one

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Q: How do you know when its time to get out of an emotionally abusive relationship?
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==One thing at a time== If your husband is truly abusive (you're not just looking for an excuse to wander), then you need to get out of the relationship, and fast! Once you have removed yourself from the abusive relationship, and have a chance to reflect on the reasons you chose a man like that, and also the reasons for remaining in the relationship once you found out that he was abusive, then...and only then, you should feel free to look for, and engage in, other relationships. If your old boyfriend truly cares about you, he will understand and give you the space you need to work through your present problems. Good luck. Bugger off with the old flame if you've got any sense.

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Whether an emotionally abusive ex-wife or an emotionally abusive ex-husband, it seems that some people are unable to break away from a bad relationship. They somehow believe that if they just give it one more try, this time it will be different. Usually, such people are emotionally addicted (or accustomed) to the relationship; they may claim they hated it and can't wait to start all over with someone else, yet they keep being drawn back into the same old drama over and over. It may be that the man (in this case) doesn't want to accept that his marriage is really over; or maybe he still believes somehow he'll find a way to fix the problems; or perhaps he blames himself for the failure of the marriage; or if there are children, he may feel a duty to keep the relationship alive because the kids want to see mom and dad together. People who return to bad marriages, whatever their explanation for doing so, usually need counseling in order to truly break the pattern and create a new and healthy relationship.

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NO!!! Narcissists don't heal. They are teflon emotionally. Just get away from them.

How do you get help when you are in a very bad abusive relationship?

When you are in a very bad abusive relationship, you should use caution while building your plan to get to a safe place. Seek local resources that might be useful, including advocates that can help in putting together a safety plan and in utilizing whatever legal resources might be useful or necessary in your plan. Build your plan erring on the side of paranoia -- leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship. When you have a plan, follow it, even when you're scared. It is very unlikely that anything in your relationship will change until you are in a safe place.

Do you develop abusive patterns after being emotionally abused by your partner?

In the beginning of my relationship with a man, he was very kind and charming. Everything I ever wanted or dreamed about having in a man. The first time he stood me up, I was hurt and tried to tell him. He told me I was weak and he didn't owe me an explanation. From that point on, the more I voiced my needs, the more emotionally abusive he became. I noticed that I was retaliating with verbal abuse. He would call me a name, and I would call him something back. I think it was my way of defending myself. I'm not sure. I have guilt, because our fights were terrible destructive emotionally. I'm not sure if its common to start identifying and developing similar traits to an abuser.

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There are places that are specifically to help women leave abusive men. I live in upstate New York and there is a place called Cornerstone Manor. It is a stepping stone safe home to help women and their children get on their feet so they can support themselves financially and emotionally. If you are involved in an abusive relationship, please don't hesitate to leave. I thank God that He gave me the strength to get out of one a long time ago. You are far too precious to allow anyone to hurt you, whether it be mentally, physically or emotionally. I pray you find your answer. God bless, Cathy

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She would appreciate you being there to give her support. Ask her out, spend time with her. Let her know you care about her. If the boyfriend is abusing her tell her she could get out of the relationship and get help.

Why would a 6th grade boy dump you in 4 days all the time?

Because they are not emotionally stable to understand what a relationship is.

When a father makes his son cry just by picking on him is that abuse?

yes i think that it is abusive to the kid emotionally and mentally because it gets on the kids nerves and over time it will effect the kid.

How do you stop hating yourself after an abusive relationship?

well you shouldn't hate yourself you should hate the person that abused you...because you didnt do anything wrong Answer: you shouldn't hate yourself neither the other person because it.was what you wanted at one time and if it turned out to be an abusive relationship so you learn what to do and what to avoid in the next relationship .

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That's they aren't good for a relationship and certainly not good for a child