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1. Thump it. If the watermelon sounds hollow, it's ripe. This is difficult for less-gifted ears.

2. Look at the color on the top. The watermelon is ripe when there is little contrast between the stripes.

3. Look at the color on the bottom. A green watermelon will have a white bottom; a ripe melon will have a cream- or yellow-colored bottom.

4. Press on it. If the watermelon sounds like it gives a little, it's ripe. (Rhodes doesn't like this method because it can ruin the quality of the fruit.)

5. Check the tendril. If it's half-dead, it could mean that the watermelon is nearly ripe or ripe. If the tendril is fully dead, it could mean that anthracnose or some other fungus killed the melon, or that it's ripe or overripe. If the tendril is green, you should wait to pick the melon.

6. Count the number of days from anthesis (flowering) or the number of days from planting. This works pretty well if you know the variety of watermelon and how many days it's supposed to take for that variety to ripen under normal temperature and fertilizer regimes.

7. Check the size. It's not necessarily true that when a watermelon is big enough, it's ready; but under good conditions, it should be normal size. If it's not, you're probably too anxious.

8. Crack a few. You've got a whole field of watermelons, and you can practice a little, right?

9. Is the vine dead or dying? Well, the watermelon is not going to get any riper, so you might as well pick it.

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When is a watermelon ripe to cut?

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Smell the watermelon and if it's cut open you can look at it to see if it's ready to be picked or bought.

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All kinds of watermelon seeds are safe to eat.

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When The Veggies Are Burnt!

When is a watermelon ready to be picked?

Knock on it and see if it feels solid or hollow. At solid it's ready to harvest and eat.

Why does watermelon make you sick?

yes it does because the pink makes it not ready for you to eat my mother told me that and i agree because i don't wont to get sick surf up

Is watermelon a diuretics?

Watermelon is one of the best diuretic fruits you can eat.

What does watermelon eat?

the sunlight!!