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if u are a kid and still go to a pediatrician (kid doc), this is my advice. if you are an adult, (18, and over) and you dont go to a pediatrician, sorry, i doubt this answer will help u.

at your pediatrician's office, they will hav ur growth chart. You can measure your height and weight. After you put all of that info on your chart, u can see if you are average, below, or over the normal weight and height for ur age. hope this helps.

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16y ago
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15y ago

A great way to calculate if you are underweight is by using a standard BMI calculator. You can find tons of free ones on the web. Just input your height and weight and it can give you a rough estimate! Hope this helps

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14y ago

Usually, you can just go to the doctor and they'll tell you. If nto, the WII fit does when it analyzes your body.

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10y ago

You know if you're weight is appropriate for your height.

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12y ago

Check your bmi

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Q: How do you know if i am underweight?
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Is it possible for a healthy guy to have 10 percent body fat and STILL be underweight because of a lack of muscle but NOT fat?

Yes! i know a guy who is underweight and yet he even has 10 percent bodyfat. He doesnt work out at all so yeah you can have a good healthy bodyfat and still be underweight from a lack of muscle not fat. I also know about a guy who is prettly fat and he is also underweight. I think you can have a good healthy body fat percentage and still be underweight from a lack of muscle not fat. You can be underweight from muslce even though you have a good body fat percentage. So yeah it's possible to be underweight from muscle ONLY...and at the same time maintaining a good fat percentage.

Am i overweight underweight at risk of being overweight or normal?

Look up your BMI and you will know.

Are you underweight if you are 15 and weigh 105 pounds and you dance and are about 5 feet two inches tall?

no i dont think you are because i am 15 and 100 pounds and i dance and i am 5 feet 7 inches and a half Whoever put the above answer IS underweight if the stats are correct. I weigh 1 pound more than you, what do you know? I, however, and 5'11'', and am underweight by a little. You aren't underweight if you are 5'2''. If you are 5'7'' like the above person, yes you are underweight. If you are 5'11'' and 106 lbs like me, yes, you are slightly underweight.

What is underweight in a sentence?

My mom is underweight cause she extrasises

What year did underweight begin?

There have always been underweight people.

How can you be underweight like all your friends?

well first of all ind out what they do at home like when you come to there house for the day and youll find out how they are underweight. Then when you come home, next day do what your friend did with you on the day and you might find your kind of losing a bit of weight i dont really know if this works with me because i got an underweight friend and ive always wanted to be underweight too so hope this helps

How do you know if you are underweight?

Check to see if your body mass index indicates you are underweight.You can look at a weight chart to check what is "normal" but what really matters is your health and energy levels. Some people are "underweight" but healthy. Some are not.

Is a 105 lb 17-year-old underweight?

no your not underweight you about the right size

Is 97 or 98 pounds underweight or overweight?

It depends on your height if that is underweight or overweight.

How much do you feed an underweight lab?

There is no such thing as an underweight lab; this is a trick question.

Is it bad to be underweight?

Yes and no. If you are underweight and not healthy, then that's a problem. If you are healthy and have no issues according to your doctor, being underweight shouldn't be a problem. I am underweight by twenty pounds, and I have no issues besides ability to fight colds, but hey, don't we all?