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Making the board, (the wood part is simple enough) I don't think the size of the wood backboard is a set size, I think the authenticity come from the covering and designs applied to said covering. The board appears to be about 30 to 32 inches long, get a large piece of paper about 4 feet long and at least 18 inches wide, draw a horizonal line at the top, measure down 30 to 32 inches and draw another horizonal line, now draw a virtical center line down the middle, (it will look like a big "H" laying on its side) some cradleboards have a round top, others have just the corners rounded off, this one will have a round top. The round top ones appear to have a 12 to 16 inch diameter circle, spread your compass 6 to 8 inches and put the point end of the compasson the center-line and draw a circle so the top of the circle touches the top horizonal line, for the bottom, I recommend a 4 inch circle, so set your compass at 2 inches and draw a circle so the outside of the circle touches the bottom horizonal line, now with a stright edge, line up the outside edge top-left circle and the outside-left bottom circle and draw a line from top to bottom, do the same with the right side top an bottom circles. You now have the layout for your piece of wood. Solid light weight wood would be closer to authentic then plywood, I would recommend Aspen, its light weight, reasonably strong, and can be edge joined with biscuits for a invisible joint, you will have to join 2 or 3 boards together for the size your after, some lumber companies or carpenter shops will do this for you for a small fee. I haven't seen one up close, I assume the material is soft leather attached by a series of holes to which the leather is laced to the board. The decorations on the covering, fringe, designs, etc., will come form your research on the Nez Perce People. (I know some used rain drop shapes as one type of design [spiritual significance].

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Q: How do you make a Nez Perce authentic cradleboard?
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