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A simple answer:A woman's egg is fertilized by a man's sperm. This is done either naturally or artificially (medically). In natural fertilization, a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina and when he ejaculates, his sperm enters to contact the woman's ovum (egg), and fertilize it so that conception can occur when it implants in the womb. In "artificial" fertilization, there is a medical procedure done to combine the egg and sperm outside of the woman's body and then the fertilized egg is surgically put into a woman's body for fetal development (this is called in vitro fertilization and implantation).

After nine months of fetal development, a baby is born.

A short answer:Babies are made through a natural physical process called human reproduction (occasionally with the aid of in vitro fertilization as mentioned above). In natural fertilization, two humans of the opposite sex (one male and one female) have sexual intercourse. In this process, the male takes his penis and inserts it into the female's vagina. The male's erect penis is moved in the vagina until at the high point, the male's sperm is released and enters the female's vagina. The sperm travel into the womb and, if there is an egg deposited by the ovary waiting there (or on its way to the womb in the ovary tubes), the sperm connect with it and the combining of the egg and the sperm is what begins the fertilization that leads to what is called conception, when the egg implants in the uterus. At conception, the development of a fetus is initiated and ultimately a baby is born. A more detailed answer about natural fertilization and conception:In humans, when a man and woman have coitus (sex) it generally results in babies being formed. When a man and woman feel it is the right time to have a baby, they both sexually arouse each other by touching each other in parts of the body called erogenous zones. The man then places his penis into the female's vagina. The arousal generates a rhythmical movement against the female's body. During this process the man usually touches the woman in certain places, and vice versa, which further arouses them both. When this process reaches the peak, or orgasm, the man ejaculates (releases semen and sperm) into the vagina and his sperm swim up through the cervix into the uterus and Fallopian (ovarian) tubes towards the ovaries where the mature egg cell has been produced and released.

Thousands of sperm try to break through the cell wall of the egg cell to gain entry and cause fertilization, however, usually only one sperm manages this penetration. Following a sperm's attachment with the egg, the egg produces a protein that will inhibit the further entry of any other sperm.

If the conditions of the uterus are correct, the egg then implants itself in the lining on the inside wall of the uterus (womb) called the endometrium. If all is well, then conception is complete, and after approximately nine months of development of the fetus, a baby will be born through the woman's birth canal and vagina.

Occasionally there are problems that require the birth to be assisted medically or even surgically by a procedure that is called a Cesarean section (the baby is surgically delivered).

See the related questions below for more information about artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and Cesarean sections.Babies are made when a sperm is able to join with an egg.
Biologically it is impossible for two females to produce a baby.
Assuming both of them are in good health and capable of normal sexual function, they would have consensual, planned and unprotected intercourse. Intercourse is where a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina. Normally, this is pleasurable for both of them. When the man achieves orgasm, he ejaculates sperm into the woman's vagina, where it travels up her cervix into her uterus and fertilizes her egg. The fertilized egg implants itself into her uteral wall and begins dividing, becoming a blastocyst and them an embryo. Eventually, the embryo grows into a fetus. For most of the first two trimesters (about 24 weeks of pregnancy), the fetus resembles a tadpole or fish. By about nine months' time, the baby is born and soon becomes fully human, eventually gaining the ability to speak and reason.

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