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Get any bottle lid and 1 A4 sheet of black paper and an A4 sheet of light green paper and a sheet of A4 Yellow paper and tape.

Cover the lid in black paper and measure your arm width and cover your arm with the measured paper and tape it shut. Tape the covered carton lid to the measured piece of paper. Cut an cut an sand timer shape out of the green and tape it to the lid. Put 4 strips of yellow paper in diagonal lines from the lid. Cut out 4 buttons from green paper and stick them between each yellow line

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11y ago

It is not possible for me but possible for you

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Q: How do you make a paper omnitrix?
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I don't think the omnitrix is real

How many omnitrix are there?

The Omnitrix is a fictional gadget from the animated children's show Ben 10. There are only two versions of the Omnitrix.