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sticks or bark

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Q: How do you make a wigwam for a school project?
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Related questions

Could you make a wigwam out of clay?

You could make a model of a wigwam out of clay but for an actual wigwam, poles and hides do a much better job.

How do you make a school project for conservation of natural resources?

excellent project

How do you make a wigwam?

Simple, you use wood!!

How do you make a wigwam for elementary school project?

Hey there!I'm doing the same project as you! I'm planning to use Popsicle sticks for the frame and to make the roofs dome or rectangular shape) you might ant to get those strong pipe cleaners or chenille sticks from any arts and crafts store, And to make the covering, you can use cloth. Make sure to cut out the door and add small details. Hope this helps and good luck!

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How do you build a diorama wigwam for a school project?

some peas, a lemon, and human hair. you can also use fresca. i find its a great finishing touch. make sure the peas are FROZEN before you start. otherwise they are just too hard to handle. good luck on your teepee cake.

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How do you make a school project attractive?

a school project is found attractive if it stimulates students interest and engages studends mind and hands

How do you make a tree for a school project?

You can make a tree for a school project with Popsicle sticks and cotton balls. Soak the cotton balls in green paint before gluing them on the stick.

How do you make a teepee out of craft sticks?

bitch go on it go on it bye bye bye bye byee that's all bye bye bye byebye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye go on it go on it bye bye bye bye byee that's all bye bye bye byebye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye

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