

How do you make an acid more basic?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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Add water or something less acidic (higher pH).

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Q: How do you make an acid more basic?
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It's basic. It's called an antacid tablet because its "anti acid", and the purpose of it is to neutralize the acidity within your stomach by adding a more basic component into it.

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No, it tells you how acidic or basic a solution is. The closer the pH is to 1, the more acidic spomething is. The closer to 14, the more basic. 7 is neutral so there is the same amount of acid and base. So if by strength you mean how much of an acid/base there is than, yes pH will measure that. Remember, the more H+ ions, the more acidic, and the more OH- ions, the more basic.

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When there is more H+ in the solution (and therefore, less OH, which makes it more basic).

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