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you can make it moist by adding 1/4 cup of majonaise and a little sweeter by also adding 3 tablespoons of sugar. I use this all the time when I make Jiffy Mix corn muffins. They do not crumble as much.

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14y ago

Haven't really thought about it, but use a recipe that is half corn meal, half flour. Mixing it a little longer should cause the gluten in the flour to start to form and give it a little more body. Kind of like kneading yeast bread.

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Q: What can be added to a packaged cornbread mix to keep the muffins from crumbling?
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Yes, cornbread mix can be used when frying okra. Do not add salt, or salt the okra, because the mix already has salt added.

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Yes, spicy muffins do exist. Anyone can make spicy muffins by adding spices to the muffin mix. One spice that is good for some added heat is cayenne pepper spice.

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I suppose so if you added sawdust as a flavoring. However, I am not sure that eating sawdust is good for you.

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Many foods can be prepared with carrots. For example, if you shred carrots they can be added to sauces, meatballs, or even muffins. They can be added to salads and stir fries to add both colour and nutrition.

Who were the first people to grow maize?

The Aztecs made a type of cornbread before Columbus even discovered America. Later, when corn was taken bake to Europe by the exporers, Europeans added flour to lighten the cornbread and make it more like we know it today.

What are the chemical and physical changes in baking muffins?

One example of a chemical reaction that occurs when baking muffins is the raising agent: the baking soda (whether that in the baking powder or added separately) reacts with any acid in the ingredients (milk, cream of tartar etc) to form a gas and a salt, and the gas bubbles formed result in the rising of the muffins.

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You can add some new clay to your old clay. I know that works. You could also try adding a tiny bit of water to your clay to make it softer.

Where did the muffin originate?

It is hard to say who made the first muffin. However, this does not mean that muffins do not have a history of their own. Bread has been a common staple food for thousands of years. Despite this, it was not until the 19th century that muffins became somewhat common. Around this time, people known as Muffin Men went door-to-door delivering fresh muffins. These muffins, however, were not the muffin now commonly associated with the food, but English muffins, flattened versions of their American counterparts. Both versions are still common today. In the 1970's and 1980's, muffins finally earned the fame they deserved. A sudden demand for healthier foods resulted in an increase in muffin popularity. Preservatives were added to many muffins so they could last longer without going stale. Somewhere along the way, there was a brief trend consisting of eating only the top of the muffin, rather than the entire muffin.