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just use ordinary bird deed and hang it from a tree like you would a bird feeder. If you can't get bird seed, just use ordinary nuts, seeds and berries. just don't put them in the open or the squirrel may not risk it

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12y ago

mix peanunts,oats,and peanut butter

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Q: How do you make homemade squirrel bait?
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Related questions

When was Squirrel Bait created?

Squirrel Bait was created in 1983.

When did Squirrel Bait end?

Squirrel Bait ended in 1988.

How do you make a homemade squirrel call?

Take a basket and prop it up with a stick or something, tie a rope to it, put bait under it, then wait for the squirrel to go under it all the way. If he doesn't go in all the way, then you won't catch him. I learned that the hard way. : ) Hope this helps.

How do you make homemade traps?

Take a basket and prop it up with a stick or something, tie a rope to it, put bait under it, then wait for the squirrel to go under it all the way. If he doesn't go in all the way, then you won't catch him. I learned that the hard way. : ) Hope this helps.

What materials are needed to make a homemade cat trap?

How complex do you want to make it? All you really need is a box, a stick, some string, and something to bait the cat with.

How do you make a homemade fishing pole?

alright you can get bamboo, fishing line, and a hook. And for bait you can use either use ham, cheese, or soggy dog food, etc.

Can city agenises help with squirrel problems?

Vector control sometimes-depending where you are. They have the same bait and bait stations they give you at Lowe's in pest control/gardening supplies.

How do you make a homemade bait net?

Makeing a home made bait net. WHAT YOU WILL NEED, A big onion bag you can get one at fruit and veg shop. A stick about 6 ft long. A clothes hanger . (wire one) Treid the top of the bag around the hanger. And using tap or nail's secure wire clothes hanger to top of stick. And there you go a homemade net.

How do you kill a squirrel with out a gun?

Cut up guatemalan hookers and bury them in shallow graves by the interstate and use it as bait.

Is there a squirrel bait that kills squirrels?

yes, if you poision it or put it on a trap, peanut butter works very well

How do you bait a squirrel snare?

depends on what kind of snare if it is a basic one where bait goes on the trigger smear some peanut butter on your trigger stick. also you can pour cereal around your trigger stick

How do you make Squirrel on alxemy?

shrewtreecombineenjoy ur squirrel