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ITEMS NEED * an amount of dry ice the size of your fist * 99% rubbing alchohol * scissors * big plastic coke bottle & little plastic coke bottle # use the scissors to poke holes on the bottom sides of the SMALL coke bottle (not the bottom, the bottom's sides) # cut the top part (just above where the brand label is) off both of the coke bottles # put the small bottle inside the big one, and place chunks of dry ice inside (chunks the size of ice cubes) # SLOWWWWLY pour in the the rubbing alchohol in until the large bottle is about half way full. PLEASE DO NOT BREATH THE VAPORS # when it stops boiling and goes more to a tiiiny bubbling, have fun with it. but be careful, stick your hand in it and it will freeze like an ice cube. do not let any of this to touch you. IT STICKS LIKE GLUE!! ----

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15y ago
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11y ago

They are sometimes available locally in a coolant store. But in larger qualities, it can be ordered specially. You would need to get a private telephone quote from a liquid-gas selling site that has a store near your location.

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14y ago

To collect liquid nitrogen by slowly cooling air under pressure, you would need to contain it (in a tank for example) and then slowly lower the temperature whilst collecting any other gases that freeze or turn into a liquid. When the temperature gets to -196°C the nitrogen should turn into a liquid, so you could then collect it.

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10y ago

Nitrogen gas exists in the air we breathe. In order to turn it into liquid, the nitrogen must be cooled to -320 degrees Fahrenheit in order to turn into liquid. Compressor machines are required to compress the air, cool it down, let the cooled gas expand again, and then cool it back down to -320. This produces a liquid of oxygen and nitrogen. In order to separate the nitrogen, the liquid is heated up to the boiling point of liquid nitrogen, and the vapour collected is pure liquid nitrogen.

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13y ago

The short awnser is by cooling it. The long awnser involves the process by which nitrogen is cooled. Look up the JT effect.

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Q: How do you collect liquid nitrogen by cooling air under pressure?
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How do you get liquid nitrogen from air?

By extreme cooling and compression

Is liquid nitrogen colder than nitrogen gas?

At the same pressure yes, liquid nitrogen is colder than gaseous nitrogen.

Which material is used for the cooling in refrigerators?

use of liquid nitrogen in refrigerator

How hot is liquid nitrogen?

At the atmospheric pressure, liquid nitrogen only exists in temperatures below 177 K.

What is the difference between nitrogen in the atmosphere and liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is made by taking in air from the atmosphere and compressing and cooling it. Once it is cool enough, it forms a liquid. This liquid contains argon, oxygen and nitrogen. These elements are then separated and sold as a commodity. The temperature is the only difference.

Liquid Nitrogen kill warts?

While liquid nitrogen theoretically could be used as a wart remover, this is not done in practice due to the difficulty of maintaining nitrogen in the liquid state. Commercial wart remover products contain dimethyl ether and propane. These liquified compounds (which are gaseous at room temperature and pressure) boil upon releasing the pressure in the container, thereby causing a dramatic cooling effect. Because liquid nitrogen is so cold and can cause severe frost bite, it is used only by physicians to kill warts.

Is nitrogen a solid at 20 degrees Celsius?

Nitrogen ice is solid. Liquid nitrogen is liquid. At standard temperature and pressure, nitrogen is gaseous.

Temperature of liquid nitrogen?

liquid nitrogen boils at −196 °C (77 K; −321 °F)

What is the benefit of having pressure on a cooling system?

Pressure on a cooling system raises the boiling point of the liquid and aids in the efficiency of the system.

What is the pressure of air into liquid form?

Both Nitrogen and Oxygen may be liquefied at normal atmospheric pressure simply by cooling them enough. Carbon dioxide has to be pressurize as well as chilled to turn it into a liquid. In this form, it is commonly used as an industrial solvent. For example to produce decaffeinated coffee.

Is the tank for compressed nitrogen the same as a tank for liquid nitrogen?

no. Compressed nitrogen need not be insulated. Liquid nitrogen is always insulated. Typically compressed nitrogen is stored at high pressure(over 1000 psi) and liquid nitrogen is kept at less than 100 psi.

Is Nitrogen is a solid at room temperature and pressure?

Liquid nitrogen can be kept at room temperature at sufficient pressure. Otherwise, it is a gas.