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ctrl + left arrow

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12y ago

The left arrow.

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You push the left arrow on the keyboard.

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right arrow

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Q: What key to press to move left one word with the keyboard?
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Move the cursor from word to word?

Hold down Ctrl and use the arrow keys to move. For example, to Move left from one word to the next, hold down Ctrl and press the left arrow and try it yourself!!!!!!!

How you take print of word document?

Press Ctrl + P on keyboard in the same time.

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It's on your keyboard. Hold shift and press 8. *

How do you highlight using the keyboard?

press Shift + Spacebar & then Arrow keys to highlight with the keyboard! Have fun!!!Additional information(Google Chrome and Windows XP). Press "Shift"+ "Arrow keys" to highlight the word. Have fun!!!try using capital letters. You can also use bold fonts or first letter capital or underline.

To scroll to the left one word press the?

Ctrl+left arrow

How do you write the percentage symbol in Word 2003?

It is on your keyboard, on the 5 key, so press and hold the Shift key and press the 5 key and you will get it.

How do you indent first paragraph of report?

To indent the first paragraph of a report, you can use the ruler function in your word processing software. Simply move the left indent marker to your desired position, typically around half an inch from the margin. Another option is to insert a text box for the first paragraph and adjust its position to create the indentation.

When using Word you need to press the ENTER key at the end of each line of text to move the insertion point back to the left margin?

No, you only press ENTER to create a new paragraph. Word (as with all word processing software) auto wraps at the end of a line.

How do you take screenshots on runescape?

The easiest way is to press the Print Screen Button on your keyboard placed at the right of your keyboard. Then go to whatever you use (word, Publisher.etc) and press CTR C or right click paste raoul

In Word you can move to a cell in a table by clicking in the cell with the mouse or you can move to the cell by pressing the which key on the keyboard?

Tab will move to the next cell and Shift-Tab will move to the previous cell. You can also use the arrow keys to move from one cell to another.

What is the keyboard shortcut to move to the beginning of the line?

If you are referring to a line of text in say, a Word document, the "Home" key (usually located near the page up/page down keys) will get you back to the start of the line on the left hand side of the page.

How do you unlock the selection on Microsoft Word?

Either drag your cursor over it while pressing the left mouse buttonordouble click the word (that's what I usually do)or, if your hand is not on the mouse but the keyboard the fastest way is:with the insertion point to the left of the word press the Ctrl + Shift + right arroworwith the insertion point to the right of the word press the Ctrl + Shift + left arrow