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Not an answer, but advice. Never have secrets or hide something in a relationship, you'll just get screwed over.

Added: I am in 100% agreement with the above contribution. Unless you are so independently wealthy that your current wife does not know the flow of your finances outgo there is very little probability that you will be able to conceal the difference between your income and your outgo for a significant length of time.

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Q: How do you pay child support without your new wife knowing?
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The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.

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generally, no

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not without her permission, if you do it anyways she can have you charged.

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If you mean, the child's mother (ex-wife) has custody, the child's father (ex-husband) is obligated or potentially obligated for support.

Does a wife get child support if married in las Vegas?

well if you are the legal father and she is the legal mother and you two arent living together than yes the wife does get child support

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no unless he can not support the child

Can a wife gets child support from her husband even if they live in the same house?

No. Child support is paid by absent parents.

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