

How do you plant Loofah?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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16y ago

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The loofah, or luffa, plant is a type of cucumber so you can grow them in a similar manner. Sow the seed about the same depth as the seed's size with a structure for it to later climb on. You can grow several in a mound, and remove all but the strongest.

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From Egyptian/Arabic 'lufah' from the name of the plant, Luffa aegyptiaca

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When your loofah gets so soft it no longer is defoliating your skin, it's time for a new one.

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Where does the word Loofah originate from?

Arabic, in Egypt

Used the word loofah in a sentence or a phrase?

A loofah is a coarse sponge like material used for scrubbing the skin. It is to be used wet for exfoliation purposes with the exception of the face as it is too rough for the delicate facial area."Mary scrubbed her back with a loofah while she was in the shower."

What is loofah?

There is nothing better than relaxing in hot water and using a loofah sponge with liquid soap for cleansing the body. You will always feel relaxed after hopping into hot water after a long tiring day. As a part of self care, you must be using few products to clean your body and skin. But there is one product that you might be using while taking a shower or a bath which could cause more harm than good and that is- your Loofah.