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Just like a a normal pimple u take ur fingers than push together on the cyst. I have a cyst on my cheek it is really irritaiting, but, i used a normal sowing pin,disinfected it with rubbing alchahol then gave it a poke, nothing my cyst is covered wotg really thick slin so i guess that juss me but if u pop your cyst then u should get all the blood and puss out then apply neosporin followed with a bandage and everything should be better from there

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13y ago

When I popped my cyst, it was on the inside of my bikini line and I had had it for a few months and thought it was just a pulled muscle. It started to get bigger and I thought it could possibly be cancer so I pushed it together, and a bubble came out. YES, a bubble. I started getting very dizzy and almost fainted because I thought it was cancer. I called my mom on the phone who is a Doctor, and she told me to pop the bubble, and all this puss and blood came out. The swelling went down, and it felt soo good to pop it. When i push it together it still bleeds though. After you pop it put neosporine on it with a bandage. Best of luck!

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Q: Should you pop this cyst
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How do you get rid of a cyst on your nose by using home remedies?

You do not want to pop the cyst. You should put both hot and cold compresses on the cyst.You should put hot and cold compresses on your nose. You do not want to push the cyst to pop it.

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i just did it five seonds ago, it was painless

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The recommended treatment would be to go to a gynecologist and have them take it out under local anesthesia. You could pop one with a sterile needle at home, but that does not guarantee that you won't get an infection or that the cyst won't return.

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It won't hurt to actually pop the cyst (which sometimes happens on its own, by the way), but if you hit the cyst with a book you might bruise the area around where you hit it (just like if you had hit the area with a book anyway), or if you hit it hard enough you might break a bone (just like if you had hit it with no cyst). Hitting a cyst with a book is usually not done; there are other ways to get rid of cyst including a doctor draining it with a needle and surgery. However, unless you want the cyst removed for cosmetic reasons there is no reason to remove a cyst- it usually doesn't hurt and does not restrict movement (I should know, I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist).

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Maybe a small cyst? Doctor time.

What is paratubal cyst?

It's a cyst that is found in a woman's fallopian tube. These should help.

Can a cyst pop during sex?

Well, it is possible. However, I wouldn't think about that if i were you. Just think about the sex and you'll be ok.

Should you burst an infected cyst?

Unless you have been to see your doctor then you are second-guessing and you should let your doctor decide what is to be done. The cyst may need to be biopsied.

Get rid of a facial cyst?

A sebaceous cyst might go down and be gotten rid of by taking antihistamines and warm sits baths. If this method does not work, one should really go see a medical professional. These cysts can cause bad staph infections.

My son had a cyst that was removed on his neck it was benign now another one has developed on top of his head should i be concerned.?

Yes, if he had a cyst before that was removed, it be should be checked out by a doctor.

Should 4 cm ovarian cyst be removed?

A 4cm cyst on the ovary is not normally a reason to have surgery, but you should contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Is a ganglion cyst a disease?

No, it is not a "disease". You can't die from it, nor does it usually restrict activity. My cyst has been on my wrist for a few months now, & it doesn't hurt or anything. So, a cyst is really nothing to be afraid of unless you want to remove it for cosmetic reasons. I also had a friend who had a cyst on her wrist, and one day when she was lifting herself up into an attic her cyst popped. She said that she didn't even know it had popped until she looked at her wrist, she hadn't felt anything! So if a cyst does manage to "pop" on its own it won't be painful.