

How do you potty train your hamster?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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11y ago

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It depends on the hamster you have's personality. Most you can probably train, others can learn by themselves (i.e. my hamster gets out a lot and from that he learned how to climb on stuff to get back in after doing it several times) Hamsters will do some pretty interesting things without your help

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14y ago
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12y ago

When you first get a hamster you let them acclimate for a week. This means, you put their cage in a quiet room to get accustom to their new surroundings. After that you can start to tame your hamster.

This is how you tame your hamster:

(1) First you have to get them familiar with your voice. You do this by talking to them in a soft voice.

(2) Next you have to get them familiar with your hands. One way to do this is you hold a treat (like a walnut) between your for-finger and thumb and hold it were your hamster can get to it. Your hamster will smell it and come running. At first your hamster might be a little cautious but after a little while the treat will be to tempting an Hammy will come and chow down. Make sure you don't let the treat go right away. This will make your hamster realize that that big scary thing that inside his cage won't hurt him. Do this every night for about five days just letting Hammy nibble. Don't do anything to scare him (trying to stroke him, makeing sudden movements, ect.). After five days hold the treat in your palm and hopefully your hamster will walk on your hand and nibble away. DO NOT try to grasp your hamster at this point.

(3) After your hamster seems comfortable around your hand you can go ahead and put a treat into your cup-shaped hand and let your hamster crawl into your hand. When he is sitting in your hand, close your hands around him and sit on a couch or a floor and let him climb all over. When you need to pick him up scoop him up, GENTLY, with both hands. Do this every day for about two weeks.

(4) Congrats! Now you should have a tame hamster. Good Luck!

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10y ago

Make sure your hands are clean and let the hamster smell your hands to get used to you. You should keep doing this for long time period Once your hamster seems okay with this, try to pick up the hamster by cupping your hands around it, and let it walk over your hands. After a few days of this your hamster will become very confident with you and from there on you can attempt to train your hamster with treats.

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14y ago

If your looking to potty train your hamster you should go to your local pet store and get a litter box,most have free samples of potty litter in the package. I have 2 Chinese dwarf hamsters and they are potty trained.It takes them about a day to get used to using a litter box. A hamsters' litter box is just like a cats' litter box. Also if you buy a litter box for your hamster make sure to get one with a top because hamsters like their privacy just like we do!

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11y ago

you cant really but you can try putting a "potty" in the place where it goes to the bathroom the most in its cage. that way you can keep the cage fresher than just entire cage cleanings.

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10y ago

Yes, you can train a hamster. You can train it to walk on a leash, and even potty train them to go to the bathroom in a spot you want them to. However, they may just do that on there own.

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14y ago

handle them a lot and talk to them, let them have freedom aswell

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