

How do you protect from vector borne diseases?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Make sure you get lots of Vitamin B and regularly check your urine for faeces.

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Q: How do you protect from vector borne diseases?
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What is vector-bourne diseases?

A vector-borne illness is an illness carried and actively transmitted by an organism, usually an insect, such as a flea or mosquito

What are vector diseases?

A vector-borne disease is one in which the pathogenic microorganism is transmitted from an infected individual to another individual by an arthropod or other agent, sometimes with other animals serving as intermediary hosts. The transmission depends upon the attributes and requirements of at least three different living organisms: the pathologic agent, either a virus, protozoa, bacteria, or helminth (worm); the vector, which are commonly arthropods such as ticks or mosquitoes; and the human host. In addition, intermediary hosts such as domesticated and/or wild animals often serve as a reservoir for the pathogen until susceptible human populations are exposed. Nearly half of the world's population is infected by vector-borne diseases, resulting in high morbidity and mortality. The distribution of the incidence of vector-borne diseases is grossly disproportionate, with the overwhelming impact in developing countries located in tropical and subtropical areas. The Summary of Key Vector-borne Diseases provides a brief description of the manifestation, causative agent, vector species, host, prevalence, population at risk, present geographic distribution, and possible change in distribution due to climate change of key vector-borne diseases (CIESIN 1994).

What is DR .Samuel Rawlins area of work?

his area of work is to control the surveillance of vector borne diseases...(I think!89% Sure)

How can irradiation solve a societal problem?

It can improve medicines. It can treat inherited diseases. It can protect the environment. It can prevent food-borne diseases.

What is air borne and water borne diseases?

Air borne diseases. These crop diseases are transmitted by the air, e.g., 'rust of wheat' , "blast of rice" , etc. Air-borne diseases attack all aerial parts of the plants, e.g., leaf, flower, and fruits. Water borne diseases. Pathogens of these crop diseases are transmitted by the water, e.g., "bacterial blight of rice".

How can you protect yourselves from diseases that are transmitted through air?

You can protect yourself from the air borne infections by using the mask and avoiding to stay with patients for long period, in closed space, specially.

Is malaria a vector borne disease?

Yes it is the most deadly vector borne disease, Malaria, kills over 1.2 million people annually, mostly African children under the age of five. Dengue fever, together with associated dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), is the world's fastest growing vector borne disease.

What is a vector and name an animal that is vector?

a vector is an animal that carries diseases an animal that are vectors are rats

What did dr.Samuel rawlins invent?

He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. His interest is in epidemiology, particularly in the effects of climate change on the insects that pass on disease (aka surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases).

What are tick vector?

a tick is a vector for diseases such as lyme disease, so it can trasmit diseases from animals (deer) to humans in this case.

The spread of a disease by the bite of a certain mosquito is known as?

vector-borne transmission

What kind of transmission are the Malaria and West Nile virus known for?
