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Try an enzyme laundry detergent, follow instructions on package.

Hydrogen peroxide is very effective also.

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Q: How do you remove a dried blood stain from white cotton?
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How do you remove blood stain from cotton fabric?

lol scrub like heck with powerful soap...

How do you get dried blood out of mattress?

Dish soap and cold water will help you remove blood from your denim. You can put it on the stain for about 20 minutes and then scrub it off with a toothbrush.

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What three questions should the investigator answer when examining an apparent dried blood stain?

Three questions that an investigator should answer when examining an apparent dried blood stain are: Is it blood? Is it human or animal blood? What is the blood type (A, B, AB, O)?

Does blood stain clothes?

Yes, blood stains clothes. It is a protein stain, and is difficult to remove. If you have a blood stain to remove, use cold water and pretreat it with OxyClean.

How do you remove dried wood stain from carpet?

u cant dummy

How do you remove a stain that has already been washed dried?

Duck tape

Why it is easy to remove stain from synthetic fabric than cotton fabric?

Synthetic fabric are containing good chemicals and enzymes due to which it is easy to remove stain and cotton does not contain any good chemicals.

How do you remove dried candle wax from a cotton tee shirt?

First, pick off the hardened bits. Then place a paper towel over the stain and iron it to heat the rest of the wax and soak it up.

How do you remove oil stain from shirt if the stain didn't remove after wash?

To remove oil stains you should pretreat the stain with a pretreatment spray or by rubbing it with liquid laundry detergent. Sometimes the heat of the dryer can set a stain. This means that if the stain was not removed after you washed it, and the shirt has dried, it may be stuck there.

How can you tell if the stain in your underwear is a period stain?

It looks like dried blood so it is generally a very dark red or brownish color. Also, when you wipe there should be blood (either dark and dried, fresh and bright, or both) on the toilet paper.

How do I remove a a blood stain from furniture?

Hydrogen peroxide. Take a cotton ball and put Hydrogen Peroxide (right from the brown bottle) on the ball and squeeze out the excess. Then gently rub the blood stain in a back and forth motion until all the blood is removed. Once removed, take another cotton ball and saturate with cool water and rinse the area with that. Wash it all out as soon as possible in the washing machine on cold/cold. NEVER wash any stain in HOT or put the item in the dryer before the stain is removed. That will set the stain. You may be able to get a dried stain out however by using this method. Never use bleach; it will yellow the item permanently.