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Q: How do you reply eMail with thanks for choosing accommodation?
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it really just depends on the situation. if you need to talk about it more, reply to this and i can give you my email address and we can talk about it..... thanks

How do you reply to an email in gmail?

The various email sites are user friendly; there is a reply icon (or a curving arrow suggesting a returning motion), a send button, and so forth. It should be pretty apparent. If you do not know what to say, you probably don't have to say anything, but you can always say, thanks for your email, all's quiet on the western front, hope to hear from you again.

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potential employer email

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To say "please reply to email" in Xhosa, you can say "Ndiphethe kwi-imeyile."

Why is the 'you' in an email address changing to a 'v' when i reply to an email and then bouncing?

So weird. I typed a U and it was changed to "you'. The question is why a 'u' is changing to a 'v' in a reply email.

Is this correct usage of english-Thanks for a still quicker reply?

Thank you for your quick reply

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Thanks for the greetings

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good, how are you?

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Yvonne Chance, email: I would like to support Robin cause and obtain one of her special bracelet. Thanks in advance for a reply.

How do you get Robin Roberts bracelet?

Yvonne Chance, email: I would like to support Robin cause and obtain one of her special bracelet. Thanks in advance for a reply.

Reply to thank you email from boss?

One normally does not have to reply to a thank you letter.