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Q: How do you say tiger in Hebrew?
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How do you say Tigger in Hebrew?

I'm not sure if you meant Tiger or Tigger: Tiger = tigris (טיגריס) or namehr (נמר) Tigger is the name of a character from Winnie the Pooh, and it is the same in Hebrew as it is in English: Tigger (טיגר)

How do you say eye of the tiger in Hebrew?

ah-yeen shel ha-nahmehr (עין של הנמר)

What does tiger mean in Hebrew?

nah-MEHR = נמר I'm looking in a hebrew-hebrew dictionary (that would be just a dictionary in Hebrew, not one for translations), and they say that the word for Tiger is Tigris (m) and Tigrace (f) (last one is pronounced Tea-Grace). And they say that is for Panthera tigris. Namer is for Felis pardus, a leopard. The dictionary is by Avraham Even-Shoshan, 1991 edition.

How do you write tiger in Hebrew?

namehr (נמר)

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You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew

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How do you say has in Hebrew?

Has in Hebrew is: YESH

How do you say ceiling in Hebrew?

"Tikra" (תקרה) is how you say ceiling in Hebrew.

How do you say tiger?

tiger it sounds as it is spelt

What is the meaning of shree vashu dayvaya namara in Hebrew?

This does not appear to be a Hebrew phrase. The only word that has a close resemblance to Hebrew is namara, which is similar to namera ״נמרה״ (female tiger).

Can we say tiger it can swim in English grammar?

Tiger it can swim. It works, but still poor grammar. ' The tiger ; it can swim. ' is more correct. Better alternatives is: ' the tiger can swim '

How do you say tiger in mardarin?

Tiger is Hǔ in Chinese