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The word is spelled rapport.

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Q: How do you spell rapor has good relationship with people?
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Can girls be bad at sex?

Sex is a partnership between two people if they have a rapor then the sex is particularly good. but remember sex is like piza when its good its great when its not its usually still ok.

How do you spell Rapoire meaning relationship?

The word from French is spelled rapport (good relationship, affinity).

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A good relationship

How do you spell repoire having a good relationship?

The spelling from French is rapport (rah-POHR).

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it depends on how the relationship is good or bad

How do you spell repoire as in having a good relationship?

The word (from French) is spelled rapport and pronounced similarly to (rah-POHR).

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Why do you consider your self a good candidate?

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A good primary physician is one you can build a relationship with. talk to people you already have a relationship with and see who they recommend.

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good sex and big booobs

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A good relationship between two people that live under the same roof.

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A spell practiced by a group of local people. Voodo would be a good example of indigenous magic.