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There are many causes of bed wetting/wetting your pants- most children/young adults who do this are completely normal and therefore, problem can be remedied easily. Sometimes though there are other causes: Emotional problems: Insecure, anxious,stressed, unhappy, bullies at school, unstable family life Physical problems: Diabetes, muscular problems, etc.. How to fix it 1.dont drink caffeine 2.urinate frequently so there is no chance for a full bladder 3.engage in physical activity- excercise helps 4.treat the situation with a Positive attitude! If the cause is emotional- the child will need positive reinforcement and motivation to help him/herself

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15y ago
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13y ago

Enuresis during sleep is especially common in children who will usually outgrow it. The child needs to be reassured and protected from fearful situations. Your doctor will be able to help.
There are many things you can do when have bed wetting issues, or issues where you have to use the restroom. also i would say: see your doctor about this condtion or... the alternative option is you could wear a diaper to bed, my 5year old son whears a diaper to bed because he wets the bed.

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12y ago

make your child go to the bathroom before bed

Also, you can put them in diapers. this will allow them to wake up in a dry bed and get a good nights rest. just let them know that there are many teenagers or kids their age that still wet the bed just like them.

Age 6 and under, bedwetting is considered normal by many pediatricians. Once a child reaches the age of 7, if the child begins to show signs of loss of self esteem and frustration, it might be time to try a bedwetting alarm. Nightly parental help is necessary for about the first three weeks, however gradually the brain will be conditioned to register full bladder signals while sleeping. The child's sleep pattern is adjusted and generally within 8-12 weeks they wake up dry each morning.

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10y ago

If this is a common thing then it is recommended to not drink any fluids past 6 pm and use the bathroom just before bed.

If that doesn't help, try a bed-wetting alarm. They really do work and are highly recommended by physicians.

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11y ago

just go to the toilet when you go to bed and after before you go to sleep xx :)

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11y ago

Stop your child drinking to much before bed and send them to the toilet before bed.

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11y ago

Sunniya kayiru vachu kattitu thoongalam..! :)

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You can't get BV from wetting the bed.

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Bed wetting at night for whatever type of.reason

Can a 14-year-old stop wetting the bed and how can it be achieved?

They probably need help from a doctor.

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You should probably stop

How do you stop a child wetting the bed?

Actually, you cant really do nothing about it until there old enough and learns to not to.

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How do you stop wetting your self?

potty training? wear a diaper? see a doctor to check for any infection

What is severe bed wetting?

its when you wet the bed at the age of 10 +