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Make rules and follow them. Like in that special K advert were she has the postit notes in the different places, you could do that and have nothing were you would normally keep the food. Keep yourself busy for example read a book, clean your room, clean the house, turn music on and start dancing, arrange to go out, go for a walk, or try something as simple as drinking a glass of water, becasue sometimes your body is thirsty but we automatically think its Hungary!

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12y ago
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14y ago

If you constantly find yourself binge eating you most likely have an eating disorder A Binge eating disorder is almost like Bulimia except after the person consumes a large amount of food they wont throw up. Some Symptoms of a Binge eating disorder is listed below * You feel as thought you have eaten more than a normal person does

* You are eating even when you aren't hungry

* You feel discussed by eating this amount of food

* And, your secretive about the foods you eat

The best way to stop yourself from binge eating is recognize you have a binge eating disorder and talk to your doctor or a professional. But if you don't want to you can always seek help within yourself * You can try eating regularly (making up small proportions 5 times a day

* try to not skip a meal (it will make you more hungry influencing you to binge)

* Get a distraction (take a walk, get on the computer, watch TV)

* Exercise (you'll burn some of the calories you eat)

For more information you can go to and on the side of the page their should be a link to "Binge eating disorders"

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12y ago

to top youef from eaating you have to NOT THINK ABOUT FOOD. and not visit your kitchen or any other place that has food, and if you see food , think to yourself " this will make me fat & ugly ,, and nobody will love me if im ugly & fat & gross "

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13y ago

make sure you drink plenty of water that helps you from cravings and eating alot drink one glass before and after your meals, if you want to stop eating late at night keep yourself busy do some crunches or clean your house and dont look near the fridge, its always worked for me

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13y ago

The easiest way to stop binge eating at night is to make sure the food you eat during the day keeps your blood sugar at healthy levels. Foods like white bread, breakfast cereals, white rise will give you sugar cravings. Replace your current high glycemic food choices with low glycemic index ones as much as possible and soon you will not feel like eating at night time.

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11y ago

You should exercise, go to the gym and work out, go on a diet, and don't eat snacks with too much oil and fats. Drink protein. It helps a lot. You have a problem.

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12y ago

Don't keep junk food in your home. Replace with fruits and veggies and whole grains. It takes about 21 days to break a habit and 30 days to retrain yourself into a new one. Good luck!

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9y ago

Binge eating or compulsive eating is a very common problem affecting up to 12 million people in the U.K alone. You should see you doctor for advice with this issue.

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15y ago

self control

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What are the health consequences of binge eating?

There aren't any. It's good for you.

Are there any negative stereotypes on binge eating disorder?

yes most eating disarders can sometimes get out of control.

Binge eating disorder in the DSM?

A bineg eating disorder is where a person continually "binge" eats. This means that they eat excessive, large amounts of food in a relatively short period of time. This food is usually not very healthy. As a result, there can be weight problems, health problems related to obesity, the likelyhood of developing bulimia (to purge after such bingeing), and depression.

What eating disorder is characterized by episodes of overeating and purging?

This eating disorder is called anorexia.

If you notice that your friend has gained a lot of weight seems obsessed with food and wants to lose weight but doesn't seem to take any action what eating disorder might your friend have?

obsessive compulsive over eating Binge-eating disorder

Can labradors stop eating?

If a labrador stops eating, like ANY other animal who stop consuming nutrients...IT WILL DIE. Have a nice day :)

Is there a residential treatment center that will accept patients with binge eating disorder?

Yes, there are some inpatient and residential treatment centers that include people with binge eating disorder in their programs. The fact that a person has an eating disorder doesn't necessarily guarantee the medical staff will consider residential care the best form of treatment for that individual, or that a bed will be available at any given time. See Related Links for residential treatment centers for binge eating disorder.* *Note that the list does not imply endorsement or quality assurance of any facility. The links provided are samples, not a comprehensive list of all residential treatment providers. For more information, see the ED Database.

Is obesity an eating disorder?

No. Obesity is a state that someone can be in. It means that someone has too high of a fat content to be healthy. Someone who is fat may not have any eating disorder - no matter how big they are. Eating disorders can include, but are not limited to: Anorexia (lack of eating), Bulimia (puking up what you eat, usually coupled with over eating), and Binge Eating (eating large amounts of food at once).

Does Indian religion stop them from eating any foods?

Yes. Hindus are strictly forbidden from eating any beef. because it is derived from a sacred god.

If you only drink 2 or 3 times per week but you cannot stop drinking on those days is it considered alcohol abuse or binge drinking?

It could be both - as well as alcoholism. There are many definitions of a "binge" out there. Look up a few and see if you fit in with any.

When would they get a eating disorder from?

If your question is "WHERE would they get an eating disorder from?": An eating disorder isn't a cold or a bacteria so its not passed from person to person. Its also very hard to treat. Its a lifelong debilitating disease where you become your own worst enemy and nothing satisfies you. It could happen to anyone but it typically starts as a young teenager and typically woman but sometimes men. There are actually MORE THAN ONE eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and EDNOS. Anorexia is where you fast and exercise until you are skin and bones but you still feel fat. Bulimia is where you binge (eat a huge amount of food) then you get it out of your body by some means, Binge Eating Disorder is where you eat and feel completely out of control unless your eating, And EDNOS is 'Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified' where you don't meet ANY criteria for one diagnose or you have pieces of two diagnoses.

Is there any way to cure bowel syndrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome can not be cured as far as I know. However it can be controlled. You need to find out what your trigger foods are and stop eating them.