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By companies and governments pushing to make recycling compulsory the materials then collected can be used with only small amount of the original raw materials to make the product again. i.e. Glass recycled can be melted down with small amounts of fresh silica etc to make more glass. The raw materials are then save. Its estimated that 80% of raw materials can be saved if recycled materials were introduced in to the production system

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Q: How do you stop wasting natural resources?
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How i Use our natural resources properly?

by not wasting it

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What is the wise of natural resources?

Not wasting any of it and by making all of it usefull

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Waste segregation: Seperate, but equally disgusting.

How do people abuse natural resources?

by polluting the sea or river,by cutting down trees and by wasting electricty

How do people destroy our natural resources?

By Cutting Trees, and dumping waste in the river.

What can you do to get rid of pollution?

Stop the wanton wasting of resources and encourage others to do the same. Think globally, act locally.

How do you stop depletion of natural resources?

You stop harvesting them faster than they can grow.

What is the impact of science on natural resources?

continuesly reducing on natural resources because of science..however science give us a better life but its cant stop for using natural resources..such as petroleum or natural gases and ext..

How can people stop wasting their resources?

You cant really get people to unless you make it a law... some people are so careless they waste everything.

Demonstrate how to avoid wastage of resources?

by not wasting it

How do people destroy natural resources?

theres many people who destroy our natural resources in different ways. they don't know what is the importance of natural resources. they were very selfish. they didnt know what will happen to our natural resources ant to us also. people destroy natural resources by cutting trees, dumping waste in the river, and anything that makes our natural resources ugly. WARNING: mother nature are getting angry now so stop destroying our natural resources