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A quick test to determine what is in a sample of a meteorite (or anything else, for that matter) is to run that sample through a mass spectrometer. Mass spectrometry (MS) will tell you whether nickel is among the constituent elements in that sample you just put through the machine. Use the links below to learn more.

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Q: How do you test for nickel in meteorites?
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What are meteorites that are made up iron and nickel called?

"Iron meteorites" or simply "irons".

What are the two types of stony-iron meteorites?

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What is the compostition of a meteorite?

It depends on the type of meteorite. Stony meteorites are composed primarily of Iron and Magnesium silicates. Stony-Iron meteorites are composed primarily of silicates and Iron and Nickel metals. Iron Meteorites are composed primarily of Iron and Nickel metal and Iron sulphide.

What are meteorites made up of?

Usually iron and nickel, but they can have other components.

Theories of the composition of the Earth's core are supported by meteorites which are composed of?

Iron and Nickel

What are the 3 main group classifications of meteorites?

There are 3 main classifications of meteorites; Stony-iron meteorites, Iron meteorites and Stony meteorites. Stony-iron meteorites are mainly composed of meteoric iron which can be also found in Iron meteorites, Iron meteorites commonly contains iron nickel alloy and the Stony meteorites are the meteorites consists of silicate.

Are all meteorites magnetic?

Meteorites fall into two classes, stony and iron. There is a belt of meteoric material near Mars, from which many of our meteorites come. Perhaps the debris from a broken planet? The iron meteorites, in fact iron-nickel mixtures, are magnetic. the stony meteorites are not. Have a look for Bode's Law in a reference source.

Do any of the planets have nickel in them?

Mars, Earth and Venus very probably have substantial deposits of nickel, and nickel is common among meteorites. So it is also likely that iron and nickel will be fairly common in the asteroid belt.

What types of metal are found in metallic meteorites?

Iron and nickel are generally the most abundant metals.

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Is a meteorite always magnetic?

No. Nickel-iron meteorites are perhaps the most common of all those recovered.

Whats are meteorites made of?

There are three basic categories of meteorites. The easiest ones to recognize were the iron or nickel-iron meteorites; most of the others look pretty much like rocks, but before people knew how to smelt iron, nickel-iron meteorites really stood out. Another type is the stony meteorites, subdivided into chondrites and achondrites... as you might guess from the name, they're made of rock. The chondrites contain small round particles called chondrules, the achondrites don't. Finally, there are the stony-iron meteorites, which are partly rock and partly metal.