

How do you test the amount of oxygen in the air?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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Lvl 1
10y ago

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For testing oxygen(PURE),you can use a glowing splint.If it relights,it is PURE oxygen.

For testing oxygen(EXIST),you can use a burning splint,if it burns more brightly,it contains of oxygen.

~Other ways to test different gas~

Carbon dioxide:for testing carbon dioxide,you can use lime water and hydrogencarbonate indicator.If the hydrogencarbonate indicator turns from red to yellow,it contains of carbon dioxide.If the lime water changes from milky to colourless,it contains of carbon dioxide as well.These reaction dunn appear in oxygen and nitrogen.

Nitrogen:If you have tested a gas with hydrogencarbonate indicator,lime water,burning splint,as well as glowing splint.Still it has no reaction.Then it is nitrogen cause it is a very unreactive gas.

Do you know how to test for water and water vapour?Use a dry cobalt paper!if it turns to pink from light blue,it contains of water and water vapour:-)

You can also breath to test for oxygen.

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8y ago
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16y ago

The simplest test for the presence of oxygen is the glowing splint test. Light a wooden splint and then blow it out, while it is still glowing place in the test tube. If it relights then oxygen is present, if it makes a loud popping noise then hydrogen is present.

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8y ago

get oxygen peroxide, and fill a test tube 1/3 with it.

then get a small amount of mangenese and also put it into the test tube.

have a glowing splint ( put in fire, blow for the flame to go away),

and put the end into the mouth of the test tube.

the flame should re-ignite.

hope this helps:)
The test for oxygen gas is to put a glowing splint into a test tube filled with oxygen and the splint should relight. It relights a glowing splint. :)
Use a small amount of the gas to see if it will support the burning of a candle or match.
Place a splint that was just lit into a test tube of oxygen gas, and it will reignite.

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14y ago

There are all kinds of meters,

but the easy answer is to breath. If you're still alive then there's oxygen.

NO!! in a science re-lights a glowing splint!!! or if there is 'ate' on the end of the word such as carbonate!!!

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10y ago

That's an easy middle school lab experiment. Carefully measure the volume of a test tube (by filling it with water, then pouring the water into a graduated cylinder and measuring.) Now, in a petri dish, light a small candle, and put about 1cm of water into the dish, so that the candle is like a little lighthouse sticking out of the water. Now, carefully place the empty test tube over the candle, so that the lip of the test tube is submerged. In a matter of seconds, the candle will snuff out, and a little bit of water will draw up into the test tube. With a marker, mark the water line. Now, measure the difference in volumes between where the water line is and the original full volume. The water line should be about 20% of the total test tube volume. Which makes sense, because the candle used up all the oxygen in the test tube, but nothing else. Oxygen makes up about 20% of the air we breathe, so there you go. Run several trials on this experiment, discard the outliers, and take the average.

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14y ago

If you hold a flaming tester to the gas, it should immediately combust and "pop".

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14y ago

You can tell oxygen is preasent by putting something with a glowing ember on it and seeing if it re-lights. If it does, oxygen is preasent.....

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10y ago

a glowing splint

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3y ago

by burning substances

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