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1st degree burns are basically sunburns. Only the outer layer has been damaged and it's very easy to treat and recovers very well. The only thing about 1st degree burns, is that they can hurt much much worse than 2nd or even 3rd. You can treat it by putting medicated cream, aloe vera, and cool clothes.

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14y ago

To treat a first degree burn, cool the affected area with cool (not cold or ice) water. To protect the burned area, it can be wrapped loosely with gauze; not too tight as swelling occurs and could cut off circulation.

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15y ago

Run it under cold water. Then put a band aid with neosporn on it.

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12y ago

For first and second degree burns(redness and blisters), you can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack or some Aloe Vera gel/spray. If it is really bad, call 911.

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10y ago

You should first cool off the burn under cool water. Then you can apply burn gel or aloe.

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12y ago

For first and second degree burns(redness and blisters), you can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack or some Aloe Vera gel/spray. If it is really bad, call 911.

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12y ago

cool down the burn

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Q: What to do for A 1st Degree burn?
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Do first degree burn leave mark?

no. When you get a sun burn, that is already a 2nd degree burn. 1st degree burns are the rarest of burns believe it or not.

What degree of burn involves all layers of the skin being damaged?

1st degree.

What type of burn caused by a hot object?

1st through 3rd degree burn.("'\(o.o)/"')

How do you manage a person with burn?

To manage a person with burns you will first want to figure out the degree of the burn. If the burn is more than a 1st degree burn you will want to seek a health profession as these types of burns can be fatal. Otherwise clean the burn and rub with aloe vera.

Which type of burn is also called a partial-thickness burn?

2nd degree (some people include 1st degree in the definition) More formally: A burn that extends down into the dermis, but not into the subcutaneous fat or deeper tissues.

What is the difference a between first and second degree burns?

A 1st degree or superficial burn involves the burning of the epidermis and the dermis only.A 2nd degree or semi-thickness burn involves the burning of the epidermis and the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue - blisters will form from this type of burn.

Is a third degree burn pouring boiling water on your arm even when there isn't damage done?

A 3rd degree burn would exhibit subsantial tissue damage and charring. Without more information it is impossible to determine the exact degree of burn: although it is very likely 1st or 2nd degree.

A 2nd degree burn caused by a cigarette lighter When will the feeling come back?

after about 10 hours i had one a few days ago my finger turned quite bad and black... is your burn 1st degree second or third degree?

What is worse second or third degree burns?

A 1st degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin. The 2nd degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin and the layer just beneath it. A 3rd degree burn involves all the layers of the skin tissue's beneath them.

What degree is a severe sun burn?

Sunburn is a first degree burn. Also known as superficial, a first degree burn will have redness.

What is first degree?

First degree burn is the least severe burn. It usually has just red skin.

Blistering is a what degree burn?

It sometimes can. Usually it doesn't. A burn that results in a blister is usually second degree.