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Generally a "yeast infection" on a male is called jock itch. Basically the same fungus that gets you in athlete's foot. Maybe they should call is athlete's itch.

The Rx treatment that is most common is Ketaconozole ointment (2%), but OTC medications such as tolnaftate (brand Tinactin) and clotrimazole (Lotrimin) are used frequently with success for a minor outbreak. Another that is well known by the ladies is tioconazole (Monistat). You will notice that these are packaged differently for feet and groin. It's the same stuff (check the percentage active ingredients) and get the best value.

I never experience a fungal infection until I married. I went to bed healthy and woke up with my groin in explosive, puffy red welts. I can attest that the nerves in this area are very sensitive. A certain level of "yeasts" is present in the healthy vagina and after a few months my immune system adapted and problems have only recurred a couple of times.

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16y ago

Nothing beats Vagosil or it's generic equivalents, even for external application.

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14y ago

Same as for women - creme at the pharmacy or go see a doctor.

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Q: How do you treat a males yeast infection?
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It might be a yeast infection. Try some yeast infection cream.

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Circumcised men are not immune to yeast infection. Circumcision done in infancy protect the males from cancer of penis.

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No. Almond oil does not help your yeast infection. You need medical treatment for that. Treatment is simple and effective.

What parts of your vagina itch and burn when you have a yeast infection?

If you have a yeast infection all parts of your vagina and vulva can itch and burn. Obviously if you have a yeast infection treat it, and if sexually active consider an STI screening to be safe.

What are some ways to treat a chronic yeast infection?

To treat a chronic yeast infection it is best for you to consult your health-care professional for immediate treatment. However, if the above option is not possible you can treat it using some over the counter medicine.

Can vaginal yeast infection be treated with cream?

You really shouldn't have vaginal intercourse until your yeast infection is completely cleared up. Switch to oral and/or anal sex until then. Tell your boyfriend why, I'm sure he'll understand.

What are the symptoms of candida in males?

The known common Yeast infection signs are: Burning, redness, Pain when passing urine..... visit to learn more.

Can a yeast infection cause your head to itch?

No. The yeast infection causes the itchy rash. Sometimes that symptom doesn't show up until later though, so it might have just showed up by coincidence while you were taking the medication. Yeast infection treatments take up to 7 days to completely treat the infection.

Can ketoconazole treat yeast infection?

No it will not work , you must insert a candid tablet in the vagina.