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Bed rest or not, labor will start when the baby is ready. Bed rest helps protect the pregnancy until the baby is reaches term. I was in bed for six weeks and the baby ended up being born on time and at full weight. Talk to your doctor.

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Q: How do you trigger labor at 38 weeks if on bed rest?
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Will you be put on bed rest if dilated 3 cm at 32 weeks?

AT 3 cm dilated, you can be placed on bed rest. I was placed on bed rest at 32 weeks and 6 days to prevent me from going into preterm labor.

How much bed rest should you have after a cervical cerclage?

Generally they tell you to rest for about a week, but it varies from woman to woman & doctor to doctor. I personally had a cerclage put in, went off bed rest, after a few weeks it began to slip out I went into labor & had to have a second cerclage placed in emerency surgery to save my son. I then spent three weeks in the hospital and the remainder of my pregnancy on strict bed rest.....only able to shower every other day and only allowed to get out of bed & sit in a chair for 20 min per day. This went on for 16 weeks!

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I was put on bed rest and Nifedipine at 29 weeks. I was dialated to 1 1/2 and 50% effaced. I am now 38 weeks. I have been off of Nifedipine for 1 week now and am 60% effaced and not dialated. You could very easily make it to you due date.

How do you prolong labor?

You can prolong labor especially when you want to carry full term. The way to do this is plenty of bed rest. I cant express how much bed rest you have to have. You cant go walking on a treadmill or walking for prolonged periods of time, this will onset the labor. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, dehydration can also cause contractions which trigger the labor. Another thing is if you have to pee, then pee. Holding it in will cause contractions which again will cause the onset of labor. Top priority I would say is bed rest and not being stressed. Stress is a big one when trying to prolong labor. If something is aggravating you then you have to take it upon yourself to make sure you don't let yourself get stressed.

Should you bed-rest if your six weeks pregnant and having a lot of black blood when you move around to much?

Six weeks is very early to start bed rest. You should be talking to your doctor, not a website.

How long can you go in preterm labor?

Very often preterm labor can be stalled with medication and/or home or bed rest until the baby is more mature to be delivered.

Where can one find treatment for Sciatica?

The best treatment for sciatica that has been found so far is simply bed rest. A study done in the Netherlands showed that two weeks of bed rest resulted in 70% of the studies participants showing improvement in their condition.

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Bed Rest Pillow?

form_title= Bed Rest Pillow form_header= Sleep well with a bed rest pillow! Do you read in bed?*= () Yes () No Are you having trouble sleeping?*= () Yes () No How many pillows do you need?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}

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