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Go to Family Court and file for a visitation order.

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Q: How do you try and get custody when a mother does not want you to see your child?
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Custody of a child born in the US and the mother who is from the UK wants custody?

That's up to the judge. see link

You have joint custody of your child with her mother having domicile custody the child never stays with the mother anyway you just found out that the mother got arrested on drug charges what to do?

File a modification motion. see links

In ms can mother be awarded child support with joint physical custody?

Even sole custody fathers can be ordered to pay child support, when they earn more than the mother. see links

After paternity is established who has legal custody of the child until it is settled in court?

The mother has sole custody. See related link

How does a father gain temporary custody of his child whose mother is incarsirated?

You file an emergency child in need of care and custody in court. See link to learn how.

Who has custody in Missouri if never been married?

Mother has sole custody. I'm in KCMO. see link

What legal right do have if the mother is receiving child support for a child that is not in her care?

If you are the father, file for custody. As for the child support, until custody is decided, request the payment be sent to whomever has the child, plus that the mother be ordered to pay. see links below

Can a child live with his father if the mother has parental responsibilty?

If a child's mother has sole custody then the courts have decided this and there is a reason for it. Generally, if the mother is a good mother (fit mother) then the children will be looked after by her with the father having partial custody to see his children. If the father is unfit, then the mother would have full custody. If you are the child asking the question and are upset because your mother has house rules and you don't always agree with them then this is not a good reason to want to live with your father. Your mother gives you these responsibilities so you will learn good characteristics that will make your life a whole lot simpler. You may not see that now, but will in the future. If this is the father asking the question and you have partial custody the courts have deemed it this way for a reason. If the mother is unfit and the father wants to take full custody then you should retain a lawyer asking for full custody.

In Missouri can father take custody of child from mother because she moved 4 times due to income if child is a teen and does not want to go?

That's up to the interpretation of the judge. see link

If no court order for custody has been granted and the parents are unmarried who has the custody of a child in Oklahoma?

When the issue pertains to unmarried couples the law presumes the mother to have full legal custody of the child(ren). The father must establish paternity before custody, child support or visitation rights can be addressed by the court.

You have custody of your 16 yr old but you still pay her mother child support her mother wont sign her over legally what can you do?

File a motion to modify custody. see links

If the mother has custody but the 17-year-old lives with the dad does the child have to be given to the mother if she demands?

If an official change of custody has not been done, yes. see link below