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(Definition of antipathy: dislike, hostility)

Examples :

I have a marked antipathy for people who are too lazy to do their own schoolwork.

He was known for his antipathy toward the poor.

I know you love me, but because you are a liar and a thief, I feel nothing but antipathy for you.

Their mutual antipathy escalated when they ran against each other for student body president.

The author's antipathy for illegal immigrants comes through in his writing, probably unintentionally.

Her antipathy for doctors is rooted in her childhood, when her father died from a botched heart operation.

I sensed an aura of antipathy from those girls as soon as they walked into the bar, and I knew immediately that they'd be rude, demanding customers who wouldn't tip.

My great-grandfather was killed by German soldiers in World War II, and my great-grandmother's antipathy for Germans has existed ever since.

I felt so much antipathy for her, that I couldn't listen to her side of the argument.

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