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To begin with, do not use a harsh detergent. You should use a good quality detergent. Depending on the color of your sheets, wash accordingly (cold/warm). Then, you can just tumble them dry on the medium hot setting. With all sheets, get them out of the drier quickly. Don't leave them to sit in the drier. They will get all crushed down under other clothes. Remove them promptly from the drier, and this will help hold down wrinkling.

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Q: How do you wash high thread count sheets?
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you should definitley talk to your mom.take off the sheets and wash them!

Can I use bleach to wash my sheets?

Yes, you can bleach your sheets. However, if they are not white you should use color safe bleach.

How often should you wash your bed sheets?

Every other week

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Tell her the truth. She will understand or wash your sheets and don't say anything.

How do you get semen out of bed sheets?

You mean other than throwing your sheets in a washer with your favorite laundry detergent? How do you usually wash sheets? If you mean it faded the dye, then you have defective sheets! If a simple laundry cycle isn't enough, Oxyclean should do it.

What does debo lavar mantas mean?

I think it means "I should wash the sheets/blankets."

How do you protect your body by bedbugs?

Wash your sheets and check unknown beds before you sleep in them