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Just write down what you would say in person but you must be careful because things said in letters, just as in emails, can misinterpreted sometimes because the other person cannot see your expression.

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Q: How do you write a letter in your long distant relationship?
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What holds a long distant relationship together is COMMUNICATION AND TRUST..even in a not distant relationship there has to be both of those there or there is no real relationship.

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remote relationship would be a distant or long distance relationship

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If you really love & trust him then yes, it's more romantic when you're in a long distant relationship. You can have fun with it.

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Trust is the key word

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how about trying video chatting or communicating on the telephone

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You ask him. Long distant relationships are all about trust. If he does admit he has feeling for someone else, you two can talk about it. If not, you'll know. If you don't think you can trust him on the phone or on the net, you should get out of the long distant relationship, one way or another. That's my opinion

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he probably doesnt have the money to do it person, but if he was serious he loves you

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Mrs. Linde wrote Krogstad a letter long ago to end their relationship and marry someone else for financial security. She did this out of necessity and not out of love for Krogstad.

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It is quite possible. Alcohol has a direct relationship to the concept of cheating.

How can you start a long distant relationship?

first off it's not to be meant on purpose, it's were both of them are far away and can't see each other but still in a relationship, usually skype works.

Does Joe Jonas like long distant relationships?

I hope not. If he does he will have to deal with it. It would be kinda hard not to have a long distance relationship with him traveling. Answer: I'm sure he will not mind. He did say he would date a fan. So he must know that long distance relationships are in store for him. of course