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An ellipses means material has been omitted. At the beginning or in the middle of a quotation, use three periods in succession to show that material has been left out. (Most if not all modern word processing software will automatically reformat the three periods with a special spacing. If you're using an old typewriter, type period, space, period, space, period.) If you've composed a complete sentence but intentionally are leaving out additional, uninimportant information and following this with your own words, use only three periods. If on the other hand you're ending the sentence with the partial quotation, use the three periods for an ellipsis and add an additional period for the period.

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1mo ago

In MLA style, when using ellipsis within a long dialogue passage, the single quotation mark is typically placed after the ellipsis to indicate the continuation of the speaker's dialogue. This helps to maintain clarity and proper punctuation within the passage.

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Q: How do you place the single quotation mark after ellipsis in a long dialogue passage set up MLA Style?
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1) You start the quote with double speech marks, eg. " 2) Then you quote the dialogue with a single speech mark, eg. ' 3) End your dialogue with the single speech marks, eg. ' 4) End the entire quote with double speech marks, eg. " Here's an example: "'Isabella Burnell is going to be a servant when she grows up,' said Joe."

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Use single quotation marks to indicate a quote within a quote.If you're using a quote that contains a quote you'll need to surround the embedded quote with single quotation marks.

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If a word is in quotation marks, and you're quoting it, use single quotation marks to indicate an embedded quotation.

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Single quote marks are used for a quote within a quote.

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Because this would be an embedded quote (a quote within a quote), you would use single quotation marks, yes.

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Double quotation marks, or so called speech marks, can be used anytime you want to set off words or sentences as dialogue. Single quotes, italics, or bold can set off a single word or phase that is not dialogue but simply for 'emphasis'.

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Use an apostrophe to create the single quotation mark.

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When quoting what someone has said the chapter recommends?

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Use an apostrophe to create the single quotation mark.