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Q: How do you write the German name Lutz for English speaking people in phonetic writing?
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What is a sentence containing the word phonetic in it?

"She had a problem with German spelling as she spelled the words with English phonetics."

Translate speaking from english to german?


What is the name 'Yahcup' when translated from German to English?

Yahcup is not a German word. You may be using an anglicized phonetic spelling of the name "Jakob," which is the German form of "Jacob."

Why are Americans speaking English and not German?

The native language in America is English.

Do Germans have a strong accent while speaking English?

Some of them do, just as some English-speaking people have a strong accent when speaking German.

The word hoit in German what is the meaning in English?

Hoit is not a German word but the phonetic pronunciation leads me to assume that you mean heut' (contraction of heute), which translates as today.

How do you say Brooklyn in German?

Like in English - Brooklyn. In general, there are no special german words for cities in english speaking countries.

Would we be speaking English if Caesar hadn't of concurred Gual?

We might not be speaking English if Caesar had not concurred Gual. We might be speaking German or another European language.

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Where does the word Lox originate?

Lox is the phonetic spelling in English of the German word Lachs, from the Indo-European root *laks, "salmon."

How many types of alphabets are there?

Loosely speaking, there are about 100 different pure alphabets in current use in the world, including: Latin (used for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, etc...) Greek (used for Greek) Cyrillic (used for Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, etc...) Hangul (used for Korean) Armenian (used for Armenian)

What language is used in show jumping?

In America and English speaking countries it English. In Germany its German. ect.