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Medea manipulates Chalciope by appealing to her emotions, convincing her that she can help solve her problems and achieve her desires. Medea plays on Chalciope's fears and desires, making her believe that following Medea's plan will lead to a favorable outcome for her. Ultimately, Medea uses her cunning and persuasive tactics to manipulate Chalciope into aiding her.

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She had only one sister, Chalciope.

Who was the daughter of aeetes?

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The name Medea came from the mythology princess Medea and her husband Jason

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After Medea killed the princess that was married to Jason, she was married with Jason. One day, Medea and Jason were at the beach and a ship timber fell on Medea's head. Then Medea died.

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Kinesias is not in the Story of Medea. He's in Lysistrata. Jason, Creon, and Aegeus are the Men in Medea

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What is the complete name of Medea?

Her name is Medea, nothing more.

Is there Feminism in Medea?

yes there is feminism in Medea. a great deak

Who kills Medea's children?

Medea kills her own children.

When was MEDEA Awards created?

MEDEA Awards was created in 2008.