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This is Mr. Obama's 9th vacation since taking office. As of August 19, 2010, he has spent all or part of 38 days on "vacation" away from the White House. He has also made 14 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 32 days. It brings his total time away to all or part of 70 days.

It's less than the "vacation" time taken during the same period by his immediate predecessor.

As of this point in his 1st term, Mr. Bush had made 14 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 102 days. He also made 40 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 123 days. His "vacation" total at this point in his presidency was all or part of 225 days away.

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Q: How does Obama vacation days compare to Bush vacation days?
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Including his August 2011 vacation, 66 days. [BTW, George W Bush had taken 180 vacation days at this point in his presidency.]

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As of August 17th, 2011, Obama has had 61 vacation days. These are actual vacation days, not the same as Bush for example who would go to his ranch that was outfitted like the white house. Obama of course still works and is the POTUS at all times, however his timing is usually horible.

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Bush showed up for work for a few days.

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