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I thought Strattera would be a helathy alternative to the often--dreaded stimilants (Adderall especially... no good for me), but Strattera made me feel less like "me", and more like some sort of anxioius, paranoid, mess... it was not fun. I stopped taking Strattera (80mg/day) several days ago after taking it for several months (8+), I know finally am feeling "normal" again. although I'm already on Lexxapro and Vyvanse. Personally, Vyvancse is magic for me and Strattera is poison.

other people swear by it. a friend of mine says Strattera saved his life.

Just ask your doctor and google / search more for stories that you can relate to,.

Also be aware of testing morning versus evening, and try different doses.

Basically, if you feel it helps yoru overall mood, focus, and drive, then it helps. It should not cause anxiety or uneasieness...Some people say it's b

ADHD and bipolar share many of the same symptoms. If a person is misdiagnosed with ADHD and they actually have bipolar, ADHD medications like Strattera can make the bi-polar WORSE. If you find you are having rapid cycling (anxiety, manic episodes, or extreme highs of moods) on Strattera, you might want to see a psychiatrist to be re-evaluated for the possibility of a Bipolar disorder.

As far as being able to tell if Strattera is working for your ADHD, since it is not a stimulant, you will rarely get the kinds of energy you might see on a drug like Ritalin or Adderall. It's more of a silent drug.

Your body will need to adjust to the initial side-effects, such as fatigue, which can take a couple of weeks. Also, it takes 3-4 weeks from your first dose to truly see the benefits of Strattera.

If after a month or so on Strattera you don't find that your impulsivity, focus, or mood have leveled off to something more normal, you might then want to consider trying one of the stimulant drugs -- but you have to give Strattera a chance.

Some people stop taking it because they had already been taking stimulants and since Strattera doesn't give you that same burst of energy or "high" you may not feel like it's working. Some people stop taking it because of the initial side effects, which can re-occur each time you increase your dosage or go off the medication for a day or more and come back on it. Some people stop taking it because they expect immediate results when it can take a month to see the results.

Just be patient and you'll know if it's working. It's just one of those "things" that you know is different... and better... about you. As I said, it's more a silent drug.

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8y ago
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16y ago

Wellbutrin takes about a month to gain the full benefits of wellbutrin. You should start feeling less depressed have more energy and return to your prior activity level and prior activities. you should not discontinue wellbutrin without speaking to your physician. wellbutrin you will need to taper off of. If it is not showing any benefits after a few weeks your physician may need to increase the dose ..usual dose 150-300mg/day. You may also need to try a different antidepressant if your not feeling better.

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11y ago

it is a form of aderol without the ampheds. i took it for about 3 months felt just like i was on aderol.

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What medicines can you not take with Strattera?

with strattera you should not take any adhd meds or abuse any medications because then it definitely will not work

How to get high on strattera?

If you are not use to taking Strattera and especially if the drug is not prescribed for you, you will get high off of it. You should only take the drug under a doctor's direction.

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Can you take Gabapentin and Strattera together?

Yes, lyrica and strattera can be taken together. It is a rather speedy combo if I do say so, the lyrica can produce a "rolling" effect. And the strattera enhances that quite a bit. I should know, I'm doing it right now :]

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Yes; Strattera has no known interactions with Tylenol (paracetamol).

Can you take dextromethorphan while on Strattera?

Yes you can but the Strattera inhibits the conversion from DXM to DXO

Can Strattera be taken with lamictal?

Yes I take 80mg strattera and 100mg Lamictak

Can Strattera be taken for dyslexia?

No medication is effective for dyslexia. Strattera can should only be used for ADD or ADHD.

Can you take Claritin D with Strattera?


Can you take creatine with Strattera?

I know that Strattera's most common side affect is dry mouth, which I experience. Creatine increases water retention, so I also wondering if this combination would increase the dry mouth.

Does Strattera help with focusing?

: No, it should not. It should cause you to be more focused. Keep in mind that Strattera has been shown to cause depression and suicidal thoughts in children.

Can I buy Strattera online without a prescription?

Atomoxetine (Strattera) should not be mixed with other SNRI (Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor) medications. It should also not be combined SSRI's such as Fluoextine. You should not take Straterra with medications such as Albuterol before contacting your Primary care physician as the combination of Atomoxetine can increase heart rates (fibrillation) and blood pressure. However, Strattera can be taken with over-the-counter medication that has no effect on heart rate or blood pressure. You should avoid decongestant or some natural products without the approbation of your doctor.