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The most dramatic difference between the adults and the young of the Black Widow, aside from the difference in size, is the very light to white coloration on the youngsters. Unless you knew what you were looking at already, it would be next to impossible to identify a very young Black Widow.

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Q: How does a black widow spider look when it is a baby?
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What is the species of a black widow?

A black widow is a spider I would look up pics too

Could a black widow spider be green?

only guys look kinda green or else the black widow is really really sick

What does the red shape on the back of the black widow spider usually look like?

An hourglass

What kind of spider is black with a white hourglass on its back?

Brown Widow Spiders. When the subject of dangerous spiders comes up, the average person usually thinks about the black widow spider. Their shiny black body with a prominent red hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen is an image that readily comes to mind. Source:

What kind of spider is reddish brown with large abdomen with a black mark almost like an hour glass on bottom?

It is likely a brown widow spider. They're not as venomous as a black widow spider, but you should still be very careful with it.

What does the top of a black widow spider look like?

The top is shiny black. Some have a red hourglass on the underside, some are solid black. See the Related Link for pictures of black widow spiders.

Can a red back spider have a red square down it's abdomen?

that's look to to be a black widow

What spider has a black butt and a red body?

The male green jumping spider has a dark red head and a bright green body. The scientific name for this spider is Mopsus Mormon.

What does a black widow symbolize?

it means your strong and even if you look like you can be stepped on your deadlyits a vemonous spider that can kill you by looking at you!

What kind of spider is black with red spots all over it?

Possibly a Black Widow. Look for a red hourglass on the belly. If there is one, it's venomous.

Why does a black widow spider have trouble getting around in its web?

I don't think they do, their webs are just right for them and for trapping their prey efficiently. However the black widow web look very messy to us humans.

What does a black widow tattoo symbolize?

it means your strong and even if you look like you can be stepped on your deadlyits a vemonous spider that can kill you by looking at you!