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The broody hen does not know that her eggs are fertilized. Broody hens will sit on an unfertilized egg for months if allowed. They will even sit on Golf balls. Most farms remove any eggs that have not hatched after 30 days if the hen insists on remaining on the eggs.

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14y ago

It needs to be incubated for 5-8 days and then candled to be sure. Fertilized and unfertilized eggs look exactly the same when cracked open.

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Q: How does a chicken know its egg has been fertilized?
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Does the Chicken stay in the eggs that you eat?

The egg is not a chicken unless it has been fertilized and incubated.

What does a chekenegg look like when it is fertilized?

a chicken egg looks the same fertilized or unfertilized, what it looks like inside, i don't know.

What is a dud egg from a chicken?

Many people raise chickens for their eggs. When the chicken lays the eggs and egg that is not fertilized is referred to as a dud egg. These are the eggs we get in the market. If the egg is fertilized, you will get a chick.

What is a unfertile egg?

exactly that. An egg that has not been fertilized. This is typically done between a male and female of the same type. Ex: Chicken and Chicken; Frog and Frog; Catfish and Catfish; and the list goes on.

How do you know that a chicken egg is fertile without breaking it?

When its just fresh there's no telling. After the hen has been sitting on it or has been in an incubator you can tell be holding it against a bright light (you can see blood veins in the egg) or put it in water; a fertilized egg will float, and a non fertilized egg will sick. A spoiled/ rotten egg will float as well, but it will be quiet old when that happens.

What does a little spot of blood in a chicken egg mean?

It means the egg was fertilized :\

What do you call an egg that is not yet matured?

An unfertilized egg is called an oocyte. That is the proper term for an unfertilized egg from any creature. Chicken eggs do not need to be categorized this way as consumers would not need to know that chicken eggs can be purchased fertilized. They would assume the eggs were unfertilized. A fertilized egg is called a Zygote.

How do you hatch an egg without the chicken?

it has to be fertilized, and you can stick it in an incubator.

Is a chicken egg internal or externally fertallized?

Externally fertilized

Is a chicken egg fertilized before or after it's laid?


How fertilized egg is formed?

Its formed when the female and male cells are united. Chicken eggs are fertilized by roosters.the sperm goes in to the egg and fertilises the egg . by cit

How do you know if chicken egg is fertilized?

The one way you can tell if a chicken eggs is fertile is by holding a strong flash light behind it and if you see the embero it is fertile