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At about 120 to 150 mph.

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Q: How does a developing typhoon in the northern hemisphere move?
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Which way do currents move in the northern hemisphere southern hemisphere?

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Weather patterns in the Northern Hemisphere move?

Weather patters in the northern hemisphere, far from the equator, move from west to east. When you get closer to the equator, they'll move east to west.

Does a cyclone move in a counterclockwise motion?

In the Northern Hemisphere, yes. In the Southern Hemisphere, no.

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In the northern hemisphere they appear to move counter clockwise; In the southern hemisphere they appear to move clockwise.

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During northern hemisphere summer the sun is in the northern sky in the southern hemisphere. Our sun in the northern hemisphere is almost always in the southern sky unless your south of the tropic of cancer so this is why you have to reverse the sundials if you move to the southern hemisphere.

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What direction do surface currents move?

The surface currents move in a clockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere, and move in a counter clockwise direction in the Southern hemisphere! Hope it helped:)

As you move north in winterthe temperature is?

dropping, on average, in the northern hemisphere.

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it moves by salt and the wind

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