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The same as any other way, through preparation. see link

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Q: How does a father win a custody battle when the mother is on drugs?
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Can a father get custody before the mother?

No, but the father can get the custody if he proves that the mother has bad habits like alcoholic or consume drugs.

How does a mother lose her child in a custody battle?

If she is found to be unfit or addicted to drugs she could lose custody. Additionally, if she refuses to give the father visitation the judge could find her in contempt and change custody to the father.

When would one parent get sole custody of children?

If you are a father. You must prove the mother unfit, drugs, abuse, prison record, etc... IF you are a mother, depending on the state you live in they would allow soul custody because you are the mother. If the father is unfit and you live in Utah and/or California where they are for the father as well and want to do joint custody in most of those two states, the father must pretty much be unfit such as abuse, drugs and/or prison record for the mother to get full custody. That is pretty much when the only time I have known any parent to get full custody of their children.

Can father get temporary custody if you know the mother is abusing prescription drugs?

Maybe, see links below.

Can a mother get custody of her child if the father has done drugs in the past?

Not necessarily. It depends on many factors which the judge will take into consideration before making a custody order.

Can you give tamparoy custody to the father with just a verbal agreement if CPS is involved and the mother tested possive for drugs?

It depends on local legislation

Are there studies that show that male pre-teen and teen children are better off in custody of father?

no there aren't. technically pre-teens and teenagers are better off in the custody of their mother since the mother is the main parent in a kid's life. not to say that the father is not important. just that only if there's something wrong with the mother (ie drugs, alcohol, mental disability) should the father take custody. if they think they are sure

Can I get full custody of my son his father is in prision for drugs and domestic violende?

If you are a single mother, and there are no court orders in place, you already have sole custody. Otherwise, yes. Under the Violence Against Women Act, a judge is not allowed to even consider the validity of a claim of domestic violence in deciding custody.

What if a father has custody and the child does drugs and allows it?

Than a review needs to be made by the courts as to whether continued custody is in the child's best interest.

If a child is removed from father's home During a visit for drugs and placed temporarily with a family member and the mother comes and takes him home to another state will the mother get in trouble?

Yes, as an official change of custody has not yet taken place.

Can custody be taken away if drugs are found in the house?

Depends on whether there's a father in the house.

Can a father with no legal custody have to consent to mother leaving state with child?

If there is joint custody of the child then the father should be told by the mother where she is going with the child and for how long. If the mother wants to live in another State the courts will have to decide visitation rights. Example: The father has may have the child one or two weeks during the summer; possibly Christmas or alternative Christmas', etc. If the father does not have joint custody then the mother can leave with the child to another State without his permission, but to be fair to the child the father should be informed unless the father has a criminal record; drugs, etc., and is an unfit father.