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  • i don't know

They will become seeds.

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Q: How does a flower's ovule become fertilized and what happens when it becomes fertilized?
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Some buds are for leaves and some buds are for flowers. Flowers that are fertilized become fruit.

What becomes of the pollen grains in the stigma?

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What becomes fertilized egg?

The gametes, or "sex cells" - the sperm and ovum (egg) - become the fertilized egg (zygote) when they fuse.

After fertilisation what does the ovary become?

the ovary does not become fertilized and remains an ovary. if you mean the egg, it becomes a Zygote.

Does process become a skills?

In the same was as flow becomes a flowers.

What will a fertilized ovary became?

If you mean botany, then a fertilized plant ovary becomes fruit. In humans, a fertilized ovum (not the entire ovary) will likely become a fetus, and a baby if carried to full-term.

When an egg is fertilized what type of cell does it become?

It become a diploid cell.It is known as the zygote

What happens when a zombie is fertilized in zombie farm?

It will not become a "lifeless" zombie if harvested when you have no life available to give it.

When a fertilized egg become a seed what happens to the flower?

When a fertilised egg becomes a seed the flower spreads its seeds so there isn't a fight for space , water or sunlight. When a fertilised egg becomes a seed the flower spreads its seeds so there isn't a fight for space , water or sunlight.

When fertilized what will the ovary grow into?

when the ovary is fertilized the the fertilized egg will become a zygote

What is in the ovary of a flower before it is fertilized?

The ovary is the ovary before it is fertilizes (containing the ovules); after fertilization the ovary becomes the fruit and the ovules become the seeds

In a flower what is the the part that develops into the fruits?

In the ovary, there are ovules. There, when it is fertilized, it becomes a fruit.