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Well, you sit on it. There's a bit of cushioning, maybe even some springs. It's wider at the back to support your sit bones and a cutout at the front to allow your legs so move.

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Q: How does a seat of a bicycle work?
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Why seat of bicycle is at backside and not in front?

The seat of the bicycle is at the backside and not in front because it it easier to ride it and takes less effort from this point.

What is a banana seat?

A banana seat is an elongated seat on a lowrider bicycle, which curves upwards at the rear.

What is the difference between a male bicycle and a female bicycle?

A female bicycle have bigger seat than the male bicycle. That's how you know the difference.

What is another name for a seat on a bike?

A bicycle seat is typically called a saddle.

What is a bicycle with two seat?

That's a tandem.

About the penny farthinghow does the penny farthing work and who invented it and why did he invent it?

The penny farthing is a type of bicycle. The bicycle has a large front wheel with a seat on top and a tiny back wheel. The bicycle was invented by Eugene Meyer. The bicycle was invented because the larger wheel meant higher speeds by which the cyclist could travel.

Why use seat belts in riding bicycle?

because it is fun

What metal are bicycle seat spring made from?

what metal is it answer a.s.a.p

What has 2 legs but can not walk and has a seat but can not sit?

Bicycle, scooter, motor cycle has a seat, but they can not seat on him self. And they always run not walk.

How does the invention of a bicycle work?

a bicycle for transportation

How can a bicycle seat exert a force?

If you sit on it, you push downward. The bicycle seat naturally pushes back up - if this wasn't the case, you would accelerate downward, due to the force of gravity.

How do you put a Wald wire basket on back of bicycle?

If I were you I would fasten some hooks on underneath your seat then screw on the hooks to the seat and screw on the basket to the hooks. If this doesn't work I have no idea -get some strong hooks aswell :)